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Thread: upping injections

  1. #1

    upping injections

    well i finally grew some and did my first shot 3 weeks ago, i was infact going to do just one shot of sust but loved it so much i did another shot 3 and a half days later like i know you're supposed too, i have done a total of 7 shots now but i want more if that makes sense, want to add something else into the mix but no orals as wary of my liver, so thinking another injectable or possibly some more sust but unsure which would be better, i currently do tuesdays am and friday pm each 250g,
    my weight is a little over 20stone and am 6ft 3 with 12-14%bf
    any help much appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    20 stone... let me think back to the worlds stongest man contest.. If my old math is right you are 280 pounds right.

    for your first cycle...just up the dose and get some more sust. take it easy on your first cycle dont go over 750 mg a week. there will be plenty of cycles in the future where you can throw caution to the wind. just get your feet wet, eat big, practice safe injections.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Gotham City
    Yeah you are just testing to see how your body takes to the test. If no sides are present you can add compounds to your next cycle (preferably one compound). As you gain experience then you can try out others to see which meet your goals the best.

  4. #4
    thanks for the help, so what day should i add the further injection?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    sunday before the gym and a huge brunch would be great

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