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Thread: 2nd Cycle please advise

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    South Carolina

    2nd Cycle please advise

    Ok guys I just came off a deca only cycle that added almost 20 pounds on me. I loved it. I am off for 8 weeks but then will start again. I am thinking about this....let me know.

    DEca 8 weeks 200 300 300 400 400 400 300 200
    Sust 250 8 weeks 250 weekly

    If I reacted so well to deca only at 200 per week shouldn't this really do a lot more? Even if it did the same I would be happy.

    Thanks. Oh yeah I would do Eq but I cant get it from my guy

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    the matrix
    how about this

    wks 1-8 deca 400mgs
    wks 1-8 sust 500mgs preferably 750mgs or single ester.
    clomid 300mgs1 day/100mgs next 10 days/50mgs next days

  3. #3
    There is really no need to taper the dosage..Since you respond good to lower doses, I would reccomend this:

    Weeks 1-10: 300-400 mg Deca
    Weeks 1-10: 250mg Test

    You should gain pretty good from that if you responded to just 200mg Deca.


  4. #4
    IMO test dose is too low especially for sust and keep the deca at a constant dose.
    Sust 500mg ew 1-10 (to get the most out of the sust i would divide the dose into 3 shots per week)
    Deca 400mg ew 1-10
    clomid starting week 13

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