wow hes not that over weight give eme a break hahha a hundred plus pounds wtf how is that not over weight!!!
BTW Ideal weight for a man who is 6'10" is from 214-262lbs depending on his frame/build.
How about some training history? I've played with/against several linemen that are 350+ lb in college football and can still move faster than most guys here so maybe people shouldn't be as quick to judge him? A lot of players that were big 300+ linemen gain tons of weight after their career ends, whether from retiring, graduation, or injury, which are frankly the only people I know that could possibly have the stats 6'10 440
Poster... post some pics?
If I was 6'10" i could get so much ass
Id start by drinking a lot of f- n water with each meal. Like a quart. Don't blame you for eating a lot ; you're a big hungry man. Got to fill the stomach with something though.
read about clenbuterol. it's the best fat burner imo.
Everyone who is recomending anavar or clen needs to sit back and think about this. This man is close to 450lbs. He doesn't need anything except a little discipline in his diet and a good cardio program. Clen is not good for your heart and anavar screws with your lipid panel. Both of his are already in trouble I'm sure.
You are the tallest, biggest and generally largest man I have ever responded to in a thread.
I wouldn't even know what a 6.10 guy is supposed to weigh.
give this a bit of thought hes 6ft 10 and 450lbs
im 7ft and just dropped down to 280lbs, i have been up to 320, trust me this guy is over wieght.
i have a big frame, so im lucky.
im thinking you should post some pics and let the people have a look, because numbers mean nothing really
good luck any way
I called up an old buddy of mine who had a similar story.
He Is 35yrs but had a drug problem and in the process went from 180lbs pure muscle @5'10 to 250lbs. He got clean from the drugs and started to cycle and six months later got back down to 190. He took 80mg of anavar daily for the first few months then rested a month. Then he did a heavy duty cycle. Now 8 months later he is running, biking and lifting as a thin happy guy.
Granted 70lbs is a far cry from 130lbs but overweight is overweight.
The one big thing my buddy did was take $500+ a month of vitamins, green powders, omega 3-6-9, flaxseed oil, antioxidents, multiple liver detixifiers/rejuvinators, etc. Also his diet was text perfect.
I'm just trying to point out that with proper methodology it is very possible to use anabolics to lose weight.
well simply put nothing will shed fat with out a diet, but some things are made to help, dont get me wrong i think this dude should keep off every thing, due to his size his bp will all ready be high and with taking anthing that has all ready been talked about will only push his bp higher what means there is a good chance of a stroke
speek to some of the vets get your diet in check, get a good work out going and you will see good things happen
Why do people want to take steroids to loose weight?? I have run all kinds of compounds and can honestly say none of them have done much for any fat loss and my weight ALWAYS goes up^^^^
Here is my advise for what its worth forget steroids it would be unhealthy and a complete waste of time right now.
Take my word for it steroids will bloat you and make you very unhealthy and make you look worse, I have a freind who is not in bad shape but his diet sucks and he is on a moderate cycle and looks worse than when he started cause his diet plain sucks ass.
Its a marathone my freind not a sprint, just approach it that way and have long term goals and not be short sighted and you can do anything you want to your body. Good luck.
Get a complete physical from the DR. if everything checks out fine get your diet together I have personally found that a keto type diet works great when trying to drop alot of weight.
cardio- do walk on the treadmill up a slight hill try to do 30 min and slowly increase it, but do things easy on the knees like elliptical, ride a bike, at that weight you dont want to even think about high intensity IMO.
Drugs- After you have dropped significant weight and are plateaued then add in an ECA stack or maybe some clen- this is important as it will help you get past any fat loss sticking points but not if you jump on right away.
well thanks to everyone who gave helpful advice. and to the ones who didnt F**k ya...but i found out that reading and researching things for yourself. and find out what will work for you....![]()
pics are up now...
on my profile..i was finally able to up load them..
Yea. Cutting cycles tend to be very nice to heart etc especially when stimulants are included there. He would propably lose weight and in unfortunate case there would be only bones left in coffin. Terrible strain to body seeking help on this field. But then again. Im happy to see people are allready helping to get the diet right with interaction. Im sure you'll get useful tips here now and later.
Good luckOr who need luck. Just checked the rest and hey, you're strong guy naturally (well, earned due to hard work) and propably wont fear little work put into a diet this time. Cheers!
Last edited by anabolix112; 07-22-2010 at 03:22 PM.
just people who didn't have anything useful or helpful to say.
Clen is totally crap and especially with high fat % even tho this guy seems to be pretty strong aswell. Raised body temp + heartbeat = lack of sleep and dry joints + feeling ill and prolly getting heart attack or heat paralysis. Clen is the worst fat burner taken alone in my opinion tho it has little anticatabolic effects which will eventually disappear after few sleepless nights and not being able to do anything than to get stroke + clen tends to bounce back. Its for animals and endurance trainers or asthma patients, tho theres better medications for them aswell.
Bodybuilder cows are known to take it aswell since they have receptors that we don't which causes great muscle gains
Sorry not ment to be offensive but suggesting clen here is like suggesting taking random amounts of dnp on bodybuilders closer to low fat %.
pics up dean
Now im spamming. Just got bit agitated about clen etc. suggestions and comments about this guy doesn't propably know even how to lift.
Think this has been said before but spammer as i am ill try to say my opinion.
You have done great work and seem to have talents for moving big weights. Now find diet that suits you and personally i wouldn't do anything too extreme what comes to that aswell. Keto diet suits for some people and they tell they're feeling energetic etc. but i would stick to basics and drop carbs slowly down first at the level of your protein intake then even lower raising the protein consumption and taking care you eat enough good fats and avoid the bad. Drink lots, keep up your mineral and vitamin balance, water is needed to burn fat and minerals are needed when you consume lots of water and sweat them out. Split your meals to 5-7 small ones about 2.5-3(max 3.5, propably if you havent used eating so often you may have to start cutting the time between meals from there ending somewhere between 2.5-3hours). Cardio is great for many reasons, it doesn't really matter that much if you do it in the morning to almost empty stomach or not (well, i did that once 1 hour before work just to wake up and get the metabolism running, tho i did take tiny little bit of quality amino acids before to save some beef). Low intensity walks, treadmill, bike, water running, anything you like and which suits you. For me doing cardio for 15-40mins after workout kept me ripped very well. Walking would be good massage for food digestion and metabolism in that way. Tho workout seems to consume more afterwards when body turns to repair state. Don't get hungry but don't stuff food too often. Body adapts so you might want to keep your head ahead and trick it a bit varying your calorie intake and protein/carb ratio especially when you have went the stairs down or keeping one day a week as "eating day" which doesn't mean you wont eat clean but you charge those carb deposits and hit the hardest workout the next day. You'll find the best methods yourself taking one piece there one somewhere else, listening your body. You will success great and notice you can do anything you wish with your body and learn how its done which you wouldn't if you would use AAS for it. After diet.. Ok you might have lost few gains some strength but they will come back with intrest and you'll be able to control your fat % easilly. You're young and strong, propably determined i can imagine so forget about AAS you got plenty of developement aheadKeep up the good work.
Edit: seems like you have another topic open better suited for this kind of post even tho i mentioned the CAPITAL letters.
Also you might want to vary a bit with your workout routines and cardio since the same reason. Body simply adapts so keep yourself ahead try different things, maybe even lower your cardio sometimes and then start raising it again, make shorter and more intensive workout, hit the cardio after etc.
And food, water, minerals, vitamins, sleep, rhytm etc, carb/protein/fat ratio etc. Stairs up and down a bit. Don't kill the metabolism, dont starve yourself![]()
Last edited by anabolix112; 07-22-2010 at 04:17 PM. Reason: Propably would suit to another topic of author
thanks, i have been reading alot about nutrition and protein and other stuff. i workout maybe 5-6 days a week. with 30 minutes of cardio afterwards....i lost 14 pounds since i have gotten serious about it( this month). the biggest part about dieting isnt eating right for me its finding the right things to eat. i mostly eat grilled foods, chicken,steak fish...about 7 times a day. but the little stuff is what gets me. like what to eat with it. i dont eat fried foods at all anymore. no sodas candy none of that stuff. and i feel the energy i have from not eating those things. ill post my diet as of late on here. and maybe we can critique it to make it as effective as it can be. as well as all supplements im taking..
Hehe. Have you tried adding some meals consisting of some protein easier to digest like cottage cheese, quark and some good carbs and fish oil with those. And water ofc. You'll need good fats to burn fat aswell as water and some meals that you can digest pretty fast but stay away from shakes, or atleast don't overdo them. And green hard apples, not much 1-2 with some long lasting protein against night + fat acids all around the day, good ones. That before sleep meal rocks and keeps the blood sugar steady and low + maintains/repairs muscle during night just great.
When i trained seriously i relied pretty much to milk products, green apples and some quality meat. The meal containing most protein and lowest carbs i ate before going to bed.
At first real diet a bit younger than you are now when i was just learning i took 55lbs weight during winter in few months which was propably bit too much but hey i was young and competitive humorously against friend who was cycling and training strength. Kept at the same results, maybe even bit ahead what came to strength and actually learned bit from dieting when i decided that my new challenge would be dropping the excess away before summer and dropped away 30-35lbs to 6-6.5% bf and gained some lost musclemass back when i loosened the diet a bit without gaining fat. After summer i was able to put up even more lean mass and broke the strength records aswell, fat % raised a bit to around 8ish and well then it was my time to take the first cycle after considering it for a 1.5 years but didn't find it necessary at all before. Well it wouldn't had to be necessary ofc but i had enough years back so i decided and i had learned enough and wanted to compete in bodybuilding. Tho. Didn't quite got there cause of injuries and got to say felt pretty empty after all that work done and cycles made and in a way that i had no choice of getting my own production back without spending year or so in agony. So TRT and maybe i'll hit the stage someday but just for fun and with reasonable methods and PCT will be waiting for me someday and it will be loooong road. So i wont regret. I made my choices and taking responsibility of them. Bloodwork etc. done regularly all clear, im happy to be healthy and seems that kids are possible even now(?!) tho its not time yet.
First off, congrats, you dropped 13 lbs! The rest will go too.
You've got a lot to lose, and truthfully recommending any stimulants or steroids at your current weight would be very irresponsible. You're going to need 3-6 months of proper diet just to get your liver function back up to normal. Eating a terrible diet can be just as bad as drinking too much, or steroid use.
Stimulants being this heavy are also a bad idea. Your heart is already working very hard. All those fat cells have capillaries running to them. That's a lot of extra plumbing your heart has to push blood through. It's already working pretty hard, and exercise, while necessary, is only going to make it work harder. Trying to take clen or ephedrine now is most likely a death sentence. Even if your BP, etc. is okay it's still a very bad idea.
The good news is that the more weight you have to lose the faster it comes off and the easier it is. Once you get down to the last 20 lbs. that's the hardest. Trust me I know.
Educate yourself on diet. That is critical. You have to learn how to dissect a label. Let's face it, we can't all eat home prepared meals all the time. Sometimes you are going to have to eat from a Burger King, or a sandwich shop. The key is knowing what you can eat at those places that will still give you the right nutrients without the stuff you don't want. If you're a drinker, even occasionally, stop. It's empty calories that are easily cut out. Eat 5-6 times a day. No food at least 2 hours before bed. Final meal of the day should be short on carbs, long on protein, and a bit of unsaturated fat too. Keep a diet journal. It will help you see what works and what doesn't.
As for cardio, do not go super hard. Those shows are designed for ratings and drama. The danger of suffering a serious joint injury are very real. I would recommend 65-70% of max heart rate (220-age) for an hour at least three times a week. Keep in mind that it takes your body 20 minutes to switch over to a fat burning metabolism, so if you only go for 30 minutes you are only burning fat for 10 minutes. Before that you're just burning up your glycogen stores. Doing cardio every day will make your body resistant to it. The body is wonderfully adaptive. The secret to any change is change itself. Keep your body guessing and it will be forced to burn fat to adapt. FYI, if you've heard that cardio boosts your basal metabolism that's not true. The only thing that will do that is increased muscle mass. Therefore lifting is still important. Depending on your experience I'd say a three or four day lifting routine would be good. Don't overdo it. Save energy for the cardio.
It's broad strokes, but if you want more info post back or PM me. Sadly I have quite a lot of experience losing weight. I'm working to cut down myself now too. The knowledge I've gained on how to do that over the years was hard won, but the advice I've given others has always worked for them, so that's something I guess. Good luck, and keep the faith.
What's up big man. Congrats on the loss so far, keep going and make it continue!
I agree with the above people advising against AAS and/or stimulants. IMO a very 'back to basic' program would work wonders for you. Clean diet, a bit under maintenance by way of reduced calories and cardio, and a solid training program.
We have alot of good people over in the diet section. I'm looking forward to working on it with you, so get it posted up!
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