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  1. #1
    fergie123 is offline Junior Member
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    May 2009

    Less Test Less Lost? Diet Help Too

    Question, I am curious about a first cycle of doing 300 a week of Test E. I read a lot of people do 500, but I know the less amount would likely produce less sides which is a big concern of mine. Anyone know or had personal experience of just doing 300? I'm looking for that "V" shape. I have got a good frame you can see stats below, but I want what I have to just be bigger and get over a plateau ive been at for a long time. I dont want to be really swollen looking (no offense to those who do or want that, just not what im looking for), but big and lean. Would Anavar at 50 mgs a day do that? From what I read, I think I need Test for the weight and mass.

    Secondly, I have read a bunch of diet threads and while I know I may not be eating enough, its hard to find time with my schedule for my lifestyle for a while. So in regard to my eating, if someone could give me a few pointers like eat something else here or your missing x, y or z. Id appreciate it. I know my diet isn't terrible, but its def not good either. If kept how it is, would Test bump me up a lot with how it is? Thanks again. Any advice would be appreciated in regard to these two issues

    177-180 lbs lean, vascular (long wasted, skinny legs but people think I am around 200)
    body fat prob around 7% to 8%
    Bench 225lbs-12x
    Dumbbell Curl: 55lbs-8x

    Morning: 4 Eggs and 2-3 egg whites on a bagel with honey and cheese, bowl of cereal, and a protein shake (with bananas and strawberries)

    Snack: 2 rice cakes with honey and peanut butter, flax oil pill thing

    Lunch: Turkey and Pastrami on wheat and a protein shake(w. B and S)

    Snack: PB and Jelly


    Snack: Shake

    Dinner: Ny strip and potatoes or 2-3 chicken breast with broccoli,carrots,peas

    There ya have it, fire away, I'm all ears. I appreciate any advice, thanks

  2. #2
    fergie123 is offline Junior Member
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    May 2009
    O ya, and if you do less test at 300, are you likely to not lose as much coming off? I hear Anavar you keep a lot more. I'm in things for the long haul, which is why 300 seems more appropriate. Cheers

  3. #3
    LizzardSecond's Avatar
    LizzardSecond is offline Associate Member
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    Sorry but your diet is horrid. Count your protein and calories and use a bmr formula and you will see that your short and will not grow.
    This is my diet. Focused on lean muscle mass growth. Eat Lean and Clean and eat a lot.

    Diet (Protein/Carbs/Fat)
    1 scoop of whey
    1 cup of Oatmeal
    6 eggwhites
    45g 55g 0g

    2 scoops of whey
    1/2cup of Dextrose
    50g 80g 0g

    7.5oz of Grilled Chicken
    1 Yam
    4oz Asparagus
    68g 60g 8g

    1/2 Roasted Chicken
    1 Yam
    70g 47g 10g

    8oz Bison Meat
    1 Yam
    4oz Asparagus
    50g 47g 4g

    1 scoop of whey
    6 eggwhites

    1/2 Roasted CHicken or Salmon of MahiMahi or Tuna
    70g 0g 10g

    11pm Will have
    1.5 scoops of casein
    6 eggwhites
    45g 0g 0g

  4. #4
    LizzardSecond's Avatar
    LizzardSecond is offline Associate Member
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    Now I have seen good results from friends who ate well and did lower dosages of test. You should do 375. Its 3/4ml of test enathanate.

    Nobody recommends this on this site but personally I have seen those who do a first cycle have good results. Then they have done 500mg cycles with good results after that also. Two friends just wanted to take it easy the first time. They ate well and lifted well.

    Also, I have seen guys do 500mg cycles for the first time and not had good results. They ate poorly and lifted poorly.

    Your diet will yield poor results. Your not eating. Sorry but peanut butter and jelly is not sufficient.

  5. #5
    fergie123 is offline Junior Member
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    May 2009
    Ha yeah I figured. I mean some people dont have the luxury of being able to cook food and eat all day. Thats why I was just asking where in there could I add something becase there is no way I can have time to add or even eat another meal. I mean Im pretty happy with how I am now, but i just can't get over this plateau (diet related maybe). But I was hoping with either 375 test or 50 mgs of var it would push me over.

  6. #6
    LizzardSecond's Avatar
    LizzardSecond is offline Associate Member
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    The diet is more important. You dont have to cook food to have the diet right. You should pack food togo that is edible cold or just heated up. Scale it out and put it in containers and travel with it togo. You do this according to needs. The plateau is diet related. Eat if you want to grow. I work 60+hours per week and still eat.

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