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Thread: Inexperianced.

  1. #1
    AceOfSpadez is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    I am 24years of age
    I have been training for 4years
    Height 5,8
    Weight 80kgs
    Bodyfat 13%

    Looking to achieve: Size and lower bodyfat.

    I'm starting my first ever testosterone lone cycle.

    So far i have bought:

    Testostrone Enanthate 2x10ml

    On my Cycle i plan on running 500mgs EW.... Only problem is... i don't know When to take Novledex, And Clomid.... i dunno weather i take them ED as part of my cycle, or weather i only use them after my cycle as part of a PCT Or weather i use them as both part of my cycle then use them as my pct.

    I was hoping to find a rolemodel, perhaps someone with experiance, to help educate me, on what other stuff i may need to buy, and how to follow a cycle with out any dangerous side effects.

    I'd really Appreicate if someone could write me out cycle and a PCT, including when to take.. so such as "ED-EW-EOD" even add other stuff in that i get in stock for my cycle... i was told to buy "L-Dex" also as part of a PCT.

  2. #2
    tboney's Avatar
    tboney is offline Anabolic Member
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    I an d many others would be happy to help you out.
    Before that, please go read some of the stickies in the AAS section and the PCT section. Then come back and let us help you.

    If you want to run a successful cycle and not do possibly permanent damage to your endocrine system this is of the utmost importance!

    btw welcome

  3. #3
    AceOfSpadez is offline New Member
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    Jan 2010


    Ahh thank you very much, i appreicate it and i shall do, i've already did quite alot of research, a lot of it seems to be double dutch to me, and difficult to comprehend, but i shall do my best

  4. #4
    sellersis's Avatar
    sellersis is offline Junior Member
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    You'll find the guys here very helpful. Just read, read, and read some more. Forget everything your friends have told you about gear. Most of the bros here know what theyre talkin about. Be sure to read the stickies as well as the rules.

  5. #5
    tboney's Avatar
    tboney is offline Anabolic Member
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    Spend a couple of days just reading up....please feeel free to contact me with any questions along the way.

    Once you get the basics we can help you set up a safe, productive cycle.
    Cheers to you for being teachable.. Alot of guys dont want to take the advice of some of the knowlegeable members and they end up messing their endocrine systems up..

  6. #6
    AceOfSpadez is offline New Member
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    Jan 2010


    Yeah, i never really listen to my friends, i prefer to research.

    So far what is the endocrine system is practically all your glands, such as adren glad, seliva gland, thighroid gland, etc... so i deffo don't want to mess any of that up... and i been doing alot of research into the HPTA... the most important part of a steroid cycle in my eyes so far from what i gather is the PCT, so i've been setting that as my main focus.

    So far i gather that Anti Estrogen blockers prevent bloat, water, and gyno... but i also found out that if i COMPLETELY block all my estrogen, its going to effect my Lipid profile? correct? so what i wanted was something like Novledex, cause aparantly, that doesn't effect the estrogen as badly as other Anti E's.

    So far the only thing i think i need a little more understanding of is the correct order i follow my cycle in.

    Oh and possible need a little more research into HCG cause aparantly thats also really good to have on hand after a cycle to help recover your bodys natural testosterone levels .

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