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  1. #1
    jawil is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Hardcore recomp cycle

    I currently weigh circa 190 pounds at around 16% bodyfat. I am 5'8 and only have a small frame and bone structure. I am looking to be at around 180 pounds 7% bodyfat.

    Would this be possible with the right cycle? (assuming diet and training is spot on).

    I am going for the smaller athletic look rather than bodybuilder look.

    What would you guys recommend?


  2. #2
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    Aug 2009
    I am starting to see for myself that diet and cardio is the best way, hands down, to achieve your goal of 7%bf. If you can get down to 9% with diet and cardio, then there are some compounds out there that can take you the rest of the way. But from my understanding, there is no AAS that you can take and drop from 16% to 7%.

  3. #3
    jawil is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    I am starting to see for myself that diet and cardio is the best way, hands down, to achieve your goal of 7%bf. If you can get down to 9% with diet and cardio, then there are some compounds out there that can take you the rest of the way. But from my understanding, there is no AAS that you can take and drop from 16% to 7%.
    It's more a case of making sure I don't lose much muscle. Naturally I doubt i'd be able to get down from where I am now to 180 7% unless I bulked up a good deal more.

  4. #4
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    Aug 2009
    You are going to lose muscle. I am dropping strenght daily from cutting, and I am using clen + aas. I am fighting just to hold onto my strength as I bust out this heavy cardio. The more you bulk, the harder it will be to get back down to 7%. My advice would be to get down to 10%, then run some non-aromatizing AAS, and an AI with your test. Eat clean carbs, moderate fats and high protein. Then start stacking the lean muscle on.

    You have to just deal with it. My big-headed arrogant ass is sacraficing all of my size and strength so I can have visible abs. Then I will build up from there

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