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  1. #1
    arshigtx is offline Junior Member
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    Clen: noob questions

    So I've read about a lot about what clen is and the proper way to take it, however I need some specifics about taking it orally.

    I was thinking about buying the liquid clen from ar-r , but was wondering, is it okay to use the same syringe every time? Or do I have to use a clean syringe everytime i want to administer clen orally.

    Also is a needle required, or can you still withdraw and administer clen with out one.

    Another thing I heard was that its good to take benadryl during the third week so you dont have to wait. I was wondering how much benadryl are you supposed to take?


  2. #2
    Kiki's Avatar
    Kiki is offline Associate Member
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    I've read that this actually does nothing for beta receptors.

  3. #3
    arshigtx is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiki View Post
    I've read that this actually does nothing for beta receptors.
    really? I've also heard that some people use keitofen(sp?). But I wouldn't really mind taking 2 weeks off anyways, so thats not really a big issue.

    Also, this may sound stupid too, but do you just drink it down by itself? Does it taste bad? Can you administer it into your mouth then drink it down with water?

  4. #4
    Kiki's Avatar
    Kiki is offline Associate Member
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    I never used liquid, only the tabs.

  5. #5
    Nooomoto's Avatar
    Nooomoto is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by arshigtx View Post
    So I've read about a lot about what clen is and the proper way to take it, however I need some specifics about taking it orally.

    I was thinking about buying the liquid clen from ar-r , but was wondering, is it okay to use the same syringe every time? Or do I have to use a clean syringe everytime i want to administer clen orally.

    Also is a needle required, or can you still withdraw and administer clen with out one.

    Another thing I heard was that its good to take benadryl during the third week so you dont have to wait. I was wondering how much benadryl are you supposed to take?

    You don't HAVE to use a clean syringe. Just run hot water through it every time or it gets gunked up and gross.

    No needle is required, I used the syringe by itself.

    The benadryl issue has been up for debate for a while. There's a rather long thread on it if you care to search. I personally used the benadryl just to help me fall asleep if anything else. 25-50mg should be fine.

  6. #6
    hardwork08 is offline New Member
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    you can go to walmart and ask for a 1ml oral syringe if you don't feel like using one of yours (not that it is a big deal).

    I will be starting clen May 1st and am debating between 2 weeks on/2 off or 6 weeks straight with benadryle every 3rd. I'll be keeping my eye on this thread.

  7. #7
    ChristopherK1 is offline New Member
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    liq clen ive read and have been told by numerous people that liq is more affective than pill form. and i think the same also. and no its not nasty it taste like grape. you can also buy capsules and just put it in there and swallow

  8. #8
    Someguy123 is offline Member
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    i dont know what AR-R sells, but my liquid clen comes in a vial, so a needle is the only way to get it out. i just use a 100iu insulin syringe. youre not sticking yourself, you dont have to worry about blood poisoning or anything. so i just use it till its too dull, then get a new one. i dont know what it tastes like, cause i just squirt it into a small glass of juice, then drink that.

  9. #9
    arshigtx is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for all the responses

  10. #10
    lifterjaydawg is offline Senior Member
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    just use an oral syringe from walgreens, the liquid chems from ar-r are very potent.

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