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  1. #1
    vlad878 is offline Junior Member
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    is this how guys rly cycled with no pct back in the day 70's-90's

    some guy at the gym thats a oldtimer said back in the day they didnt use anything for pct and had themselves monitored by doctors and they still recovered and kept gains

    so how long dose it take for someone with no pct to recover compared to using pct he said alotta guys tapered doses down at the end of the cycle so there wouldnt be a big crash of hormones

  2. #2
    NVR2BIG1 is offline Banned
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    he's right

  3. #3
    AlphaGenetics's Avatar
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    probably twice as long but depends one the individual.

  4. #4
    -Ender-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vlad878 View Post
    some guy at the gym thats a oldtimer said back in the day they didnt use anything for pct and had themselves monitored by doctors and they still recovered and kept gains

    so how long dose it take for someone with no pct to recover compared to using pct he said alotta guys tapered doses down at the end of the cycle so there wouldnt be a big crash of hormones
    Yep. You have it straight.

  5. #5
    OH REALLY is offline Banned
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    but do it right use a PCT regardless of what you heard...

  6. #6
    Deen54 is offline Member
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    back then we never even heard of pct.. we would taper down... that's true.
    or diamond pattern...start small ..go high ..then back down to small.

    All i heard was when you do anadrol make sure u take it with nolvadex prevent gyno..

    but other steroids ..we just did it and came off that's it.

  7. #7
    Hard.On's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    back then we never even heard of pct.. we would taper down... that's true.
    or diamond pattern...start small ..go high ..then back down to small.

    All i heard was when you do anadrol make sure u take it with nolvadex prevent gyno..

    but other steroids..we just did it and came off that's it.
    would lots of people even get gyno?

  8. #8
    Deen54 is offline Member
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    i knew this chinese guy who took anadrol and got gyno.. he didn't have nolvadex .

    i took it without nolva..but i cut the 50mg pill into quarters and took a quarter
    pill every 12 hours... in two weeks i gained like 12 lbs...anadrol was amazing..i think it all depends on genetics, whether u get it or not...i never got it.
    As bad as i get it would be itchy or slightly erect nipples..but it usually goes away.
    Now i have nolva.. i just take one pill and it is gone.

    we would always taper down our gear back then.

  9. #9
    Deen54 is offline Member
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    but that was the only guy i knew who got it..the rest of the guys were fine.

  10. #10
    vlad878 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    but that was the only guy i knew who got it..the rest of the guys were fine.
    what about some guys not recovering fast and losing most gains or did they keep a decent amount of gains

  11. #11
    briancb1 is offline Member
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    I was really supprised more people didn't have gyno from the earlier days. Maybe they did and you just didn't see pics of it. Its a shame its not really documented what type of cycles they use... But then again whats really documented these days what IFBB pros do?

  12. #12
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
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    your forgeting alot.

    they bridged between cycles and never came off most of their pro careers.

    ive even heard some bridged with just dbol

  13. #13
    Deen54 is offline Member
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    no..and i can include myself in this as well...they lost all there gain.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    no..and i can include myself in this as well...they lost all there gain.
    Wow. That would be rough but I guess you can't keep it up forever. You gotta come off some time. Thats what make me sad.

  15. #15
    vlad878 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by no1tou View Post
    Wow. That would be rough but I guess you can't keep it up forever. You gotta come off some time. Thats what make me sad.
    i remember seeing pics of arnold off cycle he was alot smaller but still decently big and lean how were his test lvls not raped and shutdown hard because im pretty sure he used grams a week of various anabolics per wk when he was in bodybuilding mode with 21 inch arms

  16. #16
    MR10X is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevey_6t9 View Post
    your forgeting alot.

    they bridged between cycles and never came off most of their pro careers.

    ive even heard some bridged with just dbol
    Thats not true,there might have been a few that never got off or stayed on a long time ( there was some people with that mindset) but the majority would cycle their use. As far as PCT and recovery it depended on how long you stayed on a cycle as to how fast you recovered,power lifters would stay on longer cycles while training for a meet but bodybuilders would ususlly 8 to 10 weeks then get off. There was no such thing as bridging,thats a new thing. we didnt taper down,we just stopped and it took however long depending on what you took to get out of your system. Since we were the guinie pigs we didnt know the long term effects of AAS use,i was conservative with what i used compared to today and actually use much higher doses now than i did 30 years ago. I still dont do PCT unless i stay on for more than 8 weeks, i dont see much progress after 8 weeks to make it worth while,and only stay on longer if i just want to look good longer. There was no such thing as PCT,we knew what HCG did but few people used it because they would use test instead and didnt want to waste money on HCG.There was gyno back then,we used Nolvadex for that. yes we did loose a little when off cycle but it always comes right back and we would get bigger on each cycle.Staying much longer than 10 or 12 weeks is just a waste of time,but there are people that cant deal with not looking the same when they get off so they just stay on and make no more progress after their body gets acustom to the AAS's but to each his own. i find this to be true with the younger guys that have the wisdom older guys do and want to live for today and the hell with later.
    Last edited by MR10X; 05-28-2011 at 04:07 AM.

  17. #17
    warchild's Avatar
    warchild is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MR10X View Post
    Thats not true,there might have been a few that never got off or stayed on a long time ( there was some people with that mindset) but the majority would cycle their use. As far as PCT and recovery it depended on how long you stayed on a cycle as to how fast you recovered,power lifters would stay on longer cycles while training for a meet but bodybuilders would ususlly 8 to 10 weeks then get off. There was no such thing as bridging,thats a new thing. we didnt taper down,we just stopped and it took however long depending on what you took to get out of your system. Since we were the guinie pigs we didnt know the long term effects of AAS use,i was conservative with what i used compared to today and actually use much higher doses now than i did 30 years ago. I still dont do PCT unless i stay on for more than 8 weeks, i dont see much progress after 8 weeks to make it worth while,and only stay on longer if i just want to look good longer. There was no such thing as PCT,we knew what HCG did but few people used it because they would use test instead and didnt want to waste money on HCG.There was gyno back then,we used Nolvadex for that. yes we did loose a little when off cycle but it always comes right back and we would get bigger on each cycle.Staying much longer than 10 or 12 weeks is just a waste of time,but there are people that cant deal with not looking the same when they get off so they just stay on and make no more progress after their body gets acustom to the AAS's but to each his own. i find this to be true with the younger guys that have the wisdom older guys do and want to live for today and the hell with later.
    great post! and interesting to hear about the older days of cycling. i stay on yr round with trt 200mgs weekly, sometime 400mgs to blast. and im 28 but test levels have been low since 25 so it is what it is for me.

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