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  1. #1
    adabisi is offline New Member
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    Apr 2010

    Newbie First Cycle Plz help

    I've debated this decision for a long time. It's probably 3 years in the making. I think I've reached a point to where I'd like try a Anavar cycle. Im just not sure exactly what I should take with it and post cycle.

    I've gone through the stickies and have checked out the profiles of the various products. To me Anavar stuck out as something mild enough for me to at least try out.

    A little background about myself. I'm 29 6'2 and currently weigh about 234lbs. I started working out in college when I was 20 and was about 6'1 160lbs. Yeah I was freakishly skinny. Over two years I was able to make my way up to about 210 naturally. I had continued success for another year or so making my way up to 225, but then I was in a car accident that destroyed my car and ended up dating a girl and from then I was on again off again as far as my workouts go. Over a year ago I found myself around 250lbs and since have made my way down to 225. I'm not a cardio freak so I know that's probably the bulk of why I'm not dropping the weight. I currently workout 3 days a week MWF and can easily get in an extra day on Saturday or Sunday if need be.

    I've had a full test of blood work done a little over a year ago that came across completely normal. Which I plan on scheduling another one pre and post cycle.

    I've read several posts of Anavar cycles, but I'm not looking for anything major. My current goal set is to be around 240-245 but more lean. I'd like to drop some %body fat as well as put on around a few pounds of muscle.

    I understand that diet is a huge part of this as well and I've also looked under the Newbies starter pack stickey. Following a plan thats laid out shouldnt be too difficult.

    Any input would be greatly appreciated. I enjoy constructive criticism and understand its a necessary part of achieving my goal.

  2. #2
    bigpoppa52 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2010
    Anavar is great and with the size of you i would personally cycle like this.

    week 1 40mg ed
    week 2 60mg ed
    week 3 - 8 80 mg ed
    week 9 60 mg ed
    week 10 40 mg ed

    I would also add Test as I feel test is a must and will really help with lean quality muscle gains. I prefer Test 400 and you could just do 400 to 600 mg per week for 12 weeks and some nolva for pct and you will definatly see some great results.

    Just be carefull cause it's like tatoo's once you start your hooked.

    Good luck.

  3. #3
    adabisi is offline New Member
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    Apr 2010
    Thanks for the quick reply Bigpoppa. I was thinking a 6-8 week cycle for my first time. Do you recommend 10 just for maximum results?

    What else should I take along with var for possible side effects? I'd like to have all my ducks in a row for the just in case factor. From what I've read its relatively mild, but I'd rather play it safe.

    Getting a tattoo is on my list too

  4. #4
    adabisi is offline New Member
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    I hate to bump my own thread, but I'm hoping someone could comment on what I could take with the var to reduce risk of side effects.

    For a PCT Clomid or Nolva have been what have been suggested any preferences or opinions.

    Again thanks bigpoppa for your reply.

  5. #5
    bigpoppa52 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2010
    with var being an oral I would make sure you are taking milk thistle just to be on the safe side. And 8 weeks would be just fine for a var cycle but seriously consider Test along with the Var and you will get some great results. My advice is just read a shit load of threads and also search the net about a var and test cycle so you can get a ton of different views before you make up your mind.

  6. #6
    B1gDaddy's Avatar
    B1gDaddy is offline Associate Member
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    Canada Eh
    Be sure you have your diet in check before you start your cycle. And you'll want to start doing cardio if your trying to get lean. I like doing cardio in the AM on an empty stomache, bout 30 mins then again PWO for about 30 mins.

  7. #7
    adabisi is offline New Member
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    Apr 2010
    Again thanks for your input B1gDaddy. I've spent the last couple of weeks getting my diet in check and reading alot of older posts on this forum. I apologize for not spending more time reading on this board specifically. Because the mods & members have alot of great posts that cover alot of ground.

    I was hoping to start my cycle soon, but I'm a little nervous on actually pulling the trigger. Since my original post I've been doing fact checking on a source. It's insane on the amount of contradictions about sites/sources you have on all the boards. I've read that there is a min time and post requirement before I should pm a mod for a source that I've come up with. So I'm glad I came across that post before throwing my noob flag back up.

    The lab has my source listed as a supplier and I've read a handful of complaints of the source, but ultimately alot of quality and "legit" posts about them as well. No I am not fishing for a source. I was wondering/hoping if anyone might suggest other ways of me doing my homework for a source. I don't want to annoy or upset a mod/member by pm'n when I'm so new to this board. I also dont want to make posts just the sake of uping my post count so I can make an inquire about my source.

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