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  1. #1
    HeavyHemi is offline New Member
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    I'm about to take steroids, please help.

    Ok, so to summarize. I am 25 years old, 6'1" and 175 lbs. I have been lifting/working out for the past 3 years. I am of average build - I'm very lean but not shredded. Just average. I have tried some "legal" supps such as USP Labs Prime and Nutrex Vitrix - had some OK gains maybe like 5lbs over a 8 week period. But still wasn't impressed for the effort I was putting in and the food I was eating (lots a quality calories). I am a hard worker and a hard gainer. Deca , Test, Novadex, and Clomid are very easily accessible for me, my best friend is a "distributor" so I have been battling this idea for a while. I am not a steroid guru but I have been doing some reading.

    He suggests I do a 10-12 week cycle of Deca/Test and then finish with a nice PCT like clomid or HCG . That correlates with what I've read.

    I purchased some pins/alchohol swabs online and I think I am prepared. I want to gain 10-15 pounds of quality lean mass while maintaining my lean figure. I dont want that "beefy" look that some guys have with not a lot of definition. What do you all suggest I do, is it safe for me to take the mentioned cycle at age 25 under the supervision of an "expert"?

    I am in good health, I run 10-15 miles a week and hit the weights hard for about 8-10 hours a week. What do you think? I think its just in my genetics that I will not gain muscle unless assisted.

    Here is where my head is at: I've been busting my ass in the gym for years and not really seeing a huge difference, is now an acceptable time to take steroids ?

  2. #2
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by HeavyHemi View Post
    Ok, so to summarize. I am 25 years old, 6'1" and 175 lbs. I have been lifting/working out for the past 3 years. I am of average build - I'm very lean but not shredded. Just average. I have tried some "legal" supps such as USP Labs Prime and Nutrex Vitrix - had some OK gains maybe like 5lbs over a 8 week period. But still wasn't impressed for the effort I was putting in and the food I was eating (lots a quality calories). I am a hard worker and a hard gainer. Deca , Test, Novadex, and Clomid are very easily accessible for me, my best friend is a "distributor" so I have been battling this idea for a while. I am not a steroid guru but I have been doing some reading.

    He suggests I do a 10-12 week cycle of Deca/Test and then finish with a nice PCT like clomid or HCG . That correlates with what I've read.

    I purchased some pins/alchohol swabs online and I think I am prepared. I want to gain 10-15 pounds of quality lean mass while maintaining my lean figure. I dont want that "beefy" look that some guys have with not a lot of definition. What do you all suggest I do, is it safe for me to take the mentioned cycle at age 25 under the supervision of an "expert"?

    I am in good health, I run 10-15 miles a week and hit the weights hard for about 8-10 hours a week. What do you think? I think its just in my genetics that I will not gain muscle unless assisted.

    Here is where my head is at: I've been busting my ass in the gym for years and not really seeing a huge difference, is now an acceptable time to take steroids?
    first i would like to see your diet in detail, i can guarantee that it can be improved because of the law of conservation of matter(yes, i just used that lol), if you are consuming more energy then you are using in a period of time, then you have a surplus which would allow you to build muscle, this is a universal constant so i'm guessing your need to up your energy supply

  3. #3
    HeavyHemi is offline New Member
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    meal 1:
    3-4 eggs, yogurt, and protein shake (cytogainer)

    meal 2:
    apple and oatmeal

    turkey sandwich/salad

    banana and a protein shake

    preworkout - N.O. Xplode


    postoworkout - CYTOGAINER again

    meal 5:
    steak/beef/chicken with wheat pasta or some variance of this...

    thats been about it maybe with a day here or there of cheating and drinking - not by no means intrusive to my diet.

  4. #4
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    When you list your diet, it would help to break down the amount of protein/carbs/fat you're getting as best you can. A protein shake could be 24 grams protein or much higher.

    "I want to gain 10-15 pounds of quality lean mass while maintaining my lean figure."

    This is a very difficult thing to do. You need to be in a calorie surplus to build. You will gain some fat while adding muscle. How much depends on how closely you monitor you diet. After you add muscle you need to increase your calories from what they were before to maintain your newly built muscle. Most would bulk, go through a comprehensive PCT and then carefully cut to lean up.

  5. #5
    kobe798 is offline New Member
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    HeavyHemi, you're running way to much to put the weight.
    Try running sprints instead of miles to put on the lbs.

  6. #6
    2jz_calgary's Avatar
    2jz_calgary is offline Senior Member
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    list all your macros and details in the diet forum. I can see a problem with lets say meal 2 where you have an apple and some oatmeal. when bulking on steroids you will want to have a protein source in every meal. Definately check out the diet forum and post there.

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