Ok, so I've been planning this cycle for quite a while. It's going to be a short n sweet one, and I want to get it right. I'll let you know what I've done, in the past. I'll tell you the gear that I've got. Then, advise you that, while most of you will adamantly tell me to hit it hard, naturally, for several more months, I'm not going to. While I realize that I should get myself in better shape, first, I am doing this as a kickstart to get back into shape as quickly as possible. Sorry, fellas, that's just the way it is.

So, If your still willing to read on, here we go:

I am 32 y/o, 5'9"ish, 200lbs, @ roughly 22% bf. At my best, I was 195-200 lbs, @ 14% bf.

My goal, is to be somewhere around 190 lbs, @ 10-12% bf.

When I was 22 y/o, I did 300mg of Deca , every 5 days. It worked well. Years later, I dabbled with some Winny, on two different occasions, but it was not anything that I would consider to be a cycle. About two and half years ago, I did a phenomenal, 16 week cycle that consisted of loads of bottles of several different compounds, at relatively high dosages. It went a little something like this: deca and enanthate . enanthate and winny. propionate and winny. propionate, winny, and primo. winny and primo. arimidex and 20,000 iu of hcg . It was awesome, in every sense of the word.

I maintained the results of the cycle for nearly a year, until I ran into a life-altering issue that has consumed me emotionally, for over a year now. It has forced me to put nearly everything in my life to the side. So, I have been very out of shape, and am ready, finally, to change that.

So, after making some minor improvements in my diet and getting about two months of consistent lifting in the gym, I would like to kick it into high gear. Along with the sauce, I will begin doing cardio and further tighten up the diet, to make the most of this short cycle.

I've got 1 bottle of 100mg Propionate, 2 bottles of 100mg Tren Acetate, and 1 bottle of 100mg Equipoise . In addition, I've got 50 CYX3 pills (clen , T3, Yohimbe compound) and about 40 Clen (40mcg). For PCT, I've got 15,000 iu of HCG and 30 Clomid.

My plan is to take 50mg Prop, 100mg Tren, and 50mg EQ, EOD, for 40 days. I do understand that EQ should be run longer, and I would prefer a bit more (higher dosage and more injections) Test.

What should I do? If I get 1 more bottle, each, of Prop and EQ, I could up those to 75mgs/shot and run them for two more weeks, after the Tren runs out. Would that be a better plan? And, what would be the most beneficial way for me to incorporate the Clen into this program?

Thanks, in advance, for the input and expertise.