Ok guys I am going to do a cycle. I know you all will tell me not to do it cause of my stats. I use a wheelchair to get around. I have lost a lot of muscle due to a medical condition that is similar to a wasting disease. The doctors have not pin pointed what the cause of it yet. I know If I can just regain some of am strength back it will allow me to eat more and thus allow me to gain more weight. I weigh 130 pounds about almost 6 foot, 27 years old and am weak and don't eat a lot because I have lost a lot of strength and mass. I know all you will think I am nuts. But I don't have an option right now. At this point I am going to wither on the computer if I don't get some strength and muscle. I know that the amount of Testosterone I want to use will seem like a waste to you. I just need to know if there is something terribly wrong with my cycle that will cause death or hospitalization. I don't care if you disagree with it. I just need to make sure I am not going to die. My quality of life stinks right now and even if there is a risk to doing this I am ready to take it. I am going to do the cycle unless you provide me with some evidence that I can die from it. You all say that you need to be healthy to do a cycle. Which is partially true. I have seen the studies with aids patients taking steroids and gaining weight. Or the story like this that gives me hope.
http://www.anabolicsteroids.com/womenandsteroids.html I know these people are not me. But I am a man that is 27 years old man that should be at the peak of his performance. Remember I don't care about wasting money at this point. I will run the cycle anyway if I can't get any advice. So be understanding of my condition. I got my testosterone checked by the doc and he said my free testosterone was a little low. To me though that is a deficiency. Take that plus my real lack of muscle and strength and I am set up for disaster. I will lower my dose during my cycle if I feel I have to. I will be ordering my cycle this week, maybe tomorrow. I just need you to give me some input on if I should add maybe some HCG and a few other things. I want to use some Tongkat Ali instead though in place of HCG. Let me know if I can go without the HCG or if I really need it. Also Let me know if I should add some more Clomid. I really like alternative things like herbs any suggestions on that would be good. So this is the cycle I want to run. Thanks.
Testosterone Enanthate weeks 1-14 500 mg wk for 14 weeks
Tongkat Ali weeks 10 - 18
Clomid week 17 - 300 mg day 1 as a frontload 250mg days 2-7
100mg days 8-21 50mg days 22-28
Nolva OR Tamoxifen 60mg days 1-7 40mg days 8-14 30mg days 15-21 20mg days 22-18