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Thread: Odd situation

  1. #1

    Odd situation

    Hey Fellas, this is an awesome site.

    Been on test E. 500 mg/wk for 5 wks. Kept reacting to it like the b.a was too high (pain, swelling etc) so I had to get off of it (it was that bad).

    I don't have the sources to get a different batch to continue, but I do have 4 wks worth of winnie oral and anadrol oral for 20 days.

    What do you think of this combo? I know the mainstream uses of each one of these, and cutting isn't a priority right now, although it wouldn't hurt to lean out a little. Size and strength are my primary goals.

    Any opinions?

    235 Ibs. 5'5"

    P.S. Should I pct off the E first or can I go right into the winnie? Thanks Guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    do PCT and learn more

  3. #3
    I get on a test cycle once a year (I'm 36). My one and only source is currently doing a cycle for the state, if you know what a mean. When you say 'learn more' that's what I'm trying do do, but I can't find any reference to jumping straight across to winnie from E.

    All I've ever taken was Test E or Sus, but damn I just hate to stop midcycle and not use something like winnie if I have it in on hand, the a-bombs aren't such a priority but if I could use it with the winnie........

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Sounds like you need to go to the lab section of this forum.Just ask you can cut that test so it wont hurt so much.Wharrton is a good one for this.

  5. #5
    if you want to cut down the pian of your test e just buy some sterile grape seed or cotton oil and do a 1/1 ratio ,this should cut out alot of the pain.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Staring into glory!!
    If you decide to get off the test then you need to pct after about 14 days. You really should just take maddogs advice, but since you already stopped I think pct is your only option. Winstrol needs to be run with test IMO. gl

  7. #7
    I thought about cutting the Test, but on a 1:1 I'd have to use twice the dosage or 4 cc's, and you guys know what a pain in the a** that would be.

    Well, I appreciate the input. Looks like it's an early pct.

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