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  1. #1
    phat_matt85's Avatar
    phat_matt85 is offline Member
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    About to finish 8 week tbol cycle, should i take a break before test cycle?

    I finishing tbol cycle, it was 8 week cycle 60mgs ed. Im kind of debating about another cycle but just test maybee with eq.

    25 yrs
    11% bf

    What would u do? wait?..if wait how long? 3 months?

  2. #2
    Tyler694 is offline Associate Member
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    8 weeks of an oral?

    Personally, I would run PCT. Take time off (cycle+PCT), get liver levels and such checked, and then think about perhaps starting a new cycle.

    I'm sure other people have different views, that is just what I would do.

  3. #3
    phat_matt85's Avatar
    phat_matt85 is offline Member
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    im def doing pct and getting my blood work done before i touch anything else, but i wanted to see what people that really know their shiiiit have to say, bc i dont want to get screwd up

  4. #4
    Tyler694 is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah, that's why I mentioned other will have different opinions. Let's see what the vets have to say.

  5. #5
    BigSwol's Avatar
    BigSwol is offline Associate Member
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    Not to hijack, but how did the tbol go for ya?? I been out the mix for a while and am contemplating tbol only, or tbol for 4-6 weeks with cyp for 12-14...dunno. Just wondering how it hld up on its own? Also as the other bro said, pct and then cycle length off should do the trick.

  6. #6
    Billytk03z is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by phat_matt85 View Post
    im def doing pct and getting my blood work done before i touch anything else, but i wanted to see what people that really know their shiiiit have to say, bc i dont want to get screwd up
    I ran 2 tbol only cycles (both between 12-16 weeks) and I never used pct after.. didnt need it... gained over 20lbs (first time, first cycle), my balls never shrunk, and my liver values when I had blood work done was great.. (AST was 1 point over range, ALT was in range).. and what was amazing was that I kept over 75% of my gains... just kept eating high protien/moderate to low carbs....

    I have tons of threads regarding my Tbol experience on this forum... check em out... it might help you out... good luck

  7. #7
    phat_matt85's Avatar
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    I love tbol during summer, keeps u nice hard, full, and pumpes r great and so is strenght....never had any sides with it

  8. #8
    phat_matt85's Avatar
    phat_matt85 is offline Member
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    I talked to pro bodybuilder last night and he said if he was me he would jump right on to something, he mentioned winny or test or both but i dont know if i want to run test now i look nice and dry rigth now and thats how i like to look during the summer

  9. #9
    BigSwol's Avatar
    BigSwol is offline Associate Member
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    Good deal, thanks fellas

  10. #10
    c-Z's Avatar
    c-Z is offline Educate B4 You Medicate (RIP T)
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    Quote Originally Posted by phat_matt85 View Post
    I talked to pro bodybuilder last night and he said if he was me he would jump right on to something, he mentioned winny or test or both but i dont know if i want to run test now i look nice and dry rigth now and thats how i like to look during the summer
    Coming from a pro body builder.... Yeah I would expect that. Those guys do crazy shit....

  11. #11
    Billytk03z is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by phat_matt85 View Post
    I talked to pro bodybuilder last night and he said if he was me he would jump right on to something, he mentioned winny or test or both but i dont know if i want to run test now i look nice and dry rigth now and thats how i like to look during the summer
    If you wanna keep some nice lean muscle, stay dry and be rock solid.... then I would highly recommend doing Test Prop (ed - eod injections) just makes sure you run some adex or stane and I guarantee you will stay dry and lean, but make sure to watch your sodium and carb intake..... good luck

  12. #12
    2jz_calgary's Avatar
    2jz_calgary is offline Senior Member
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    yeah you could do a shorter cycle of prop for 8 weeks or so.

  13. #13
    phat_matt85's Avatar
    phat_matt85 is offline Member
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    Thats what he was saying also. What dose would u guys recommand? i dont want to get sides. I might add EQ there too unless u think that would be too much

  14. #14
    phat_matt85's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by c-Z View Post
    Coming from a pro body builder.... Yeah I would expect that. Those guys do crazy shit....
    lol ur not kidding. He has been into pro for 15 yrs and he says he never gets off cycle, he changes things around or adds but thats crazy man. Im just affraid that i might get really fed up once i get off this long ass cycle.

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