Hi im 18 140pounds and standing at 5'6
Hi im 18 140pounds and standing at 5'6
feel free to also help me with my diet
around 9% Id guess
Thanks for your opinion.
i give ya 10%
Last edited by boss4romdabay; 04-18-2010 at 07:01 PM.
I think you are around 8-9%, exactly how I want to look.
This should probably be in Member's Pictures forum, but definitely not here.
We'd have to see more of you to determine that..... you're covering up in part of it. Also.... people hold bodyfat in different area's.....
Cannot help with your diet until you tell us your goal.
anybody else?
A lot of young guys these days aspire to have a small chisled physique. I can understand wanting to be ripped, but not a 99lb weakling. Since I was young, I've wanted to look powerful, not like I would blow away in a stiff wind.
And to top it off, they think they need AAS to look this way????
You really shouldn't be giving AAS advice in other threads!! Your around 8-13%.
+ or - 5%
8% about is my guess.
Not everyone has an inferiority complex like 90% of people on here. Most guys just want to look sexy and ripped at like 160 lbs 7-8% BF. Those huge 260 lbs bodybuilders with arms bigger than their heads, most people look at them and just go ehhhh...too much....
why not just do a simple caliper test. It's not truly accurate but it's in the general ball park. You can get plastic calipers on ebay for a few bucks. As your body changes, the important thing is that the calipers will give your consistency in your reading. You can tell if you're going up or down in BF. Then you can adjust your diet as your BMI changes.
Im not sure if there is a backstory to this thread but if not lets try and be a little more mature perhaps?
First of all, I meant I wanted to be at 8-9%, not have his actual physique. Of course, this forum has changed a lot since I first entered here. Too many guys with huge egos thinking they are bodybuilding gurus, when they themselves struggle for gains even with lots of steroid use.
Too many people wanting to second other people's opinions without even trying to get deeper into reasoning. I think his abs look nice, and I don't care about how much mass he has, his abs look decent and have good shape.
Anyway, I honestly would like to be 180 pounds with 8-9% at most. To each their own.
LOL big muscles are not everyone's cup of tea. But I bet if you do a poll, very few on this forum want to weigh 160 at 7-8%bf.That's a classic! It's a steroid forum?!? If you can't get to a lean 160 without AAS there's no hope for you!
BTW, Generally it's those that are defensive that have the inferiority complex. If you're not happy with your body, do something about.
Some of you are just brutal!
I'll tell you what concerns me. I have no problem with your goal, or even if it was to be 140 lbs at 7-8%. That's your goal, none of my business or concern. I have completely different goals and aspirations, and those are of only my concern.
I do have a problem when young men resort to chemical use when they haven't even gotten the basics of diet and training down. Gaining muscle is NOT easy with the use of AAS. You still have to train hard and diet properly. And, you can easily lose your gains if you don't continue to train and eat right. That's what I told you in your thread and you didn't want to hear it. You may not see it this way, but Im giving you the advice I think you need to hear. You don't have to listen or heed, but I'm still going to try.
Sports... 140lbs at 8-9% would be amazing... Even 6-7% for your peek event. Some have different goals.
Very low bf but not much mass going on,, depends what you are looking to do in regards to diet changes.
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