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Thread: 4 weeks in dianabol, start sust?

  1. #1

    4 weeks in dianabol, start sust?

    hey guys,

    im 4 weeks in dianabol, is it ok to start test on 5th week? I messed up on the kickstart because too much decision changing... if i start test in week 5, do i continue using dianabol till week 6 for continuation of kickstart?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    you clearly aren't ready you shouldn't have even started. you were suppose to run the test with the d-bol not the d-bol by itself then the test

    click on the banner on the right corner of the screen and get yourself some pct and stop with the juice before you hurt yourself. do alot more research then start once you educate yourself more

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by The One View Post
    you clearly aren't ready you shouldn't have even started. you were suppose to run the test with the d-bol not the d-bol by itself then the test

    click on the banner on the right corner of the screen and get yourself some pct and stop with the juice before you hurt yourself. do alot more research then start once you educate yourself more

    wish people wouldnt do stuff like this...

  4. #4
    X3^^^ WOW just WOW

    AND its the AR-R banner not the fake steroids banner just some info.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    ^^^^^ X 4... D-bol is used to kickstart your test cycle, so you start them both together....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by flickoff613 View Post
    hey guys,

    im 4 weeks in dianabol, is it ok to start test on 5th week? I messed up on the kickstart because too much decision changing... if i start test in week 5, do i continue using dianabol till week 6 for continuation of kickstart?
    epic fail kid.....its peeps like you that give responsible users of aas a bad name...while your here take a bit of time to actually learn what your doing....

  7. #7
    hey i know ur supposed to do it together.. but im just wondering

    why is it more harmful if u only do dbol at the beginning?

    (im a noob to all this)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    its not nessasaraly more harmfull its just that the intent of kickstarting a cycle is so that you have a quicker acting compound working for you while your waiting for the long estered test or sust or whatever to build up and kick the op will have some lag time in between the d-bol stopping and the sust kicking in had he done them together it would have worked out well with little to no lag....if i was the op if im gonna continue this cycle id start pinning the sust ed or eod to try to build up blood levels faster....

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