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Thread: Need help with clen/t-3

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Need help with clen/t-3

    Bros, I am tired. Been awakee for 4 days (just had a kid), and I do not feel like researching. So I will ask here.

    What is the safest mcg dose I can run of T-3 without jackinng up my thyroid. I will be running 500mg test e and clen as well.

    So how many weeks and at what mcg should I run T-3?

    Goal is to drop as much bf% as possible while maintaing strength. Thanks

  2. #2
    You can ramp up to 100mcg safely.

    I've done t3 for 3 months at a time. No problems, however, I didn't go up to 100mcg for that. I was at 50mcg.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Tim 'er and Rim 'er
    u have to make pyramid and keep upping the dosage. i personally on t3 i started at 25 mcg and start increasing EW i am running at 100mcg. and u come off the same way. I am not a big fan of clen it makes u so tired u cant do cardio but its just me.

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