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Thread: Test E, Tren, GH cycle advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Test E, Tren, GH cycle advice

    Hi guys. Long time lurker, but this is my first thread on the AS forum. This cycle includes GH, so I also asked on the growth thread, but no one bit. Since I am running AS too, I figured I'd ask here and see what you guys think.

    I am going into my last year of eligibility for college football. I am old for a college football player. I don't want to tell my exact age because I'm paranoid. I know no one hear cares, but please understand.

    I am 6'1 217 lbs. About 7 - 8% bf.

    I did a 10 week cycle of 500mgs per week of sustanon about 5 years ago.

    Last summer I did 500 mgs of test e for 12 weeks with a dbol kick start. Had some gyno issues but it cleared up with letro and nolva. So keep in mind that I am prone to gyno and it is a concern.

    A couple of guys on my squad are running test cycles, but I can't ask them for advice because they really don't know much about juice, and I don't want anyone knowing my business. I want to try GH> I am considering the following cycle.

    3ius per day of somatropin for 100 days
    500mgs of test e for 10 weeks

    I might run arimidex or letro throughout. Definitely nolva and clomid for PCT.

    My goals are pretty simple. Add strength and some size while shedding some fat. I have a strict diet.

    I am considering throwing some tren into the cycle. Might even run that instead of the growth because GH is so expensive. What do you guys think?

    Any suggestions? Thanks!

  2. #2
    Looks good but drop the tren. It will kill your cardio and you don't want that as a football player. I also don't think u should use letro unless you actually do see gyno developing. Other than that, it looks like you know what you're doing. Good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Swap the GH for Tren.

    3IU's a day for 15 weeks is not very much. It takes a real long time to see results with GH, 20 weeks min. To have an anabolic effect, suggest 4 IU a day min. I actually plan on running it between 2 IU - 4 IU for 30 weeks after my cycle, but do so primarily to keep fat off while allowing me to eat like a horse and maintain my gains.

    Tren is unbelievable. It will rip you up and prevent your body from putting on fat. It will make you like a rock and very strong. You will be dissapointed pinning the GH as you laid out.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Thanks guys. The cardio on tren is a concern, so thank you for the heads up! I suppose if I'm going to run growth I should be upping the dosage and time frame. Maybe I'll hold off until the winter to run the GH.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Jay_notellin View Post
    Swap the GH for Tren.

    3IU's a day for 15 weeks is not very much. It takes a real long time to see results with GH, 20 weeks min. To have an anabolic effect, suggest 4 IU a day min. I actually plan on running it between 2 IU - 4 IU for 30 weeks after my cycle, but do so primarily to keep fat off while allowing me to eat like a horse and maintain my gains.

    Tren is unbelievable. It will rip you up and prevent your body from putting on fat. It will make you like a rock and very strong. You will be dissapointed pinning the GH as you laid out.
    What else do you run while on GH?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by dumbjock View Post
    What else do you run while on GH?
    Last summer I ran 20 wks of GH at 4 IU with Tren, EQ & a long acting test blend. Was a great cycle with moderat dosages. Really got lean. Super lean. was at 5% bf at one time.

    If your goal is to be a more explosive athlete, drop the GH and add the tren. If you have the $$, run them both....just run the GH longer and bump the dosage to 4 iu.

    For whatever reason, I am a fan of running GH when NOT cycling. Probably mental. Most prefer to run with AAS.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    I like it. Sounds good. Thanks for the advice homie.

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