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Thread: norandren 200. 50ml bottles.. how can u tell the fakes from the real ones??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    norandren 200. 50ml bottles.. how can u tell the fakes from the real ones??

    i'm thinking about buying one 50 shot norandren bottle from brovel instead of the ttokkyo deca.. but i heard there are many counterfeits of it.. whjat are some features that will point out its a fake? can anyone give me a real and fake pic?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    south of heaven
    i dont know of any fake ones like counterfit like. i do know that its a trend to put a nor 200 label on the nor 50 bottle with the 50ml. in that case its pretty hard to spot a fake.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001


    that would suck

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I've actually seen fake Brovel stuff in TJ but just at one place and the pharmacist told me it was fake. Not that I needed that help b/c it was so obvious. He had a lot of fake stuff and for some reason anything that I asked about that was fake he told me. Pretty cool and it was all teh same stuff that the other farmacias were trying to sell as real. The easiest indicator is a wide price range. If they start at $100 and go to $45, it is typically fake. Another indicator is if different pharms are selling the same product for different prices and the location is close. It is funny how TJ works though. If you go to the pharm closest to the border test is $30, walk five blocks and its down to $20

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