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Thread: need beginner cycle advice

  1. #1

    need beginner cycle advice

    I've been training regularly for about 3 1/2 yrs. and i'm 24, though 25 is not far off. i'm 5'7" 186-190lbs and approximately 10% bodyfat. lately i've been hitting plateau's across the board and really would like to take it to the next level. I've been doing research for over a year on gear and really think this is what i would like to do. It is really important to me to get as much information and advice from those with experience as possible.

    If a cycle sounds like a bad idea to anyone right now, please tell me, but include why, if you don't want to say why, don't post.

    My first choice was EQ but I'm leaning toward a 10 week cycle with Deca and Test Enth with typical first cycle dosage recommendations. i am also getting Nolvadex for my PCT. I wanted to get hCG for testicular atrophy, but once again, can't seem to find it locally. Any advice would be appreciated especially on any PCT addatives.

    I feel like this cycle is missing some components, and i've found so much conflicting and vague info. please give me suggestions, also any thoughts on hCG. thanks
    Last edited by maximal_effort; 04-21-2010 at 08:06 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    In my opinion, I would just keep this cycle simple, because it's your first and you have plenty of time in the future to add more compounds.

    I would just run a basic Test Cyp or Enan @ 400-500mg a week for 12 weeks. You'll grow plenty off that as long as your diet is on (which I'm guessing it is).

    You may be able to get by with just Nolvadex for PCT, but you may want to add clomid also. HCG during cycle would aid in recovery and make it somewhat easier. However, with a basic Test cycle you can get away without it for now.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    All the info you need to get started really is in the stickies above...

    I and many others would recommend test only for your first cycle. Test is the cornerstone of many cycles you might run in the future, and it's good to know how it affects you. If you start with multiple compounds and suffer bad sides you wouldn't know what was causing it! On top of that, pretty much every AAS compound will suppress your own test, and this can result in unwelcome sides. Test is plenty anabolic on it's own, trust me. Test Enanthate (or Cypionate) is usually recommended because a twice weekly injection schedule is favorable to those new to needles. Think 500mg/wk, 250mg shot every monday and thursday. 12 weeks is a good length for the cycle. It will take a few weeks for the long ester to really kick in for you too. Two weeks after your last shot it'll be time for pct. You'll want some protection from the possible estrogen related side effects that can occur as well. Arimidex is a common first choice, and works for most of us. I always advocate having a little letro just in case. It's cheap peace of mind and you may not ever need it, but if you do you don't want to be left waiting for it.

    As for pct, I do recommend hcg if it's available. I have done pct both with and without it, and I can tell you recovery was a lot smoother when it was included! Get some clomid in there with the nolva too, at very least.

    PS: EQ sucks.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Hi. @ your stats you seem like a good candidate for cycling. I also think your attitude is where it should be....

    Like others said, a test only cycle would be pretty effective but I think you could do great with test+deca. I would look into a longer cycle with the deca 12-14ish weeks.

    HCG = not mandatory and might actually be a bit harder to find for you. Don't bend over backwards trying to score some.

    Tamoxifen is fine but like others said, pick up some clomid to run with it. The combo is excellent and truly time-tested.

    EQ is such a hit or miss drug in the bodybuilding community.... some people swear by it, others think it is bunk. I personally think it is effective but don't plan on running it again in the near future.

  5. #5
    that was a really big help, i appreciate it. all three of you were clear and made sense. i will make sure to include clomid and arimidex, and since the consensus seems to be to drop the deca, i suppose i will. i'll keep my eyes open for hgc, but it'll probablly be for my second cycle, so i have a long time and i'm not worried about it.
    One last question, with the arimidex should i wait until the telltale signs of gyno begin to start it, save it for the end or run it on cycle reguardless?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by maximal_effort View Post
    that was a really big help, i appreciate it. all three of you were clear and made sense. i will make sure to include clomid and arimidex, and since the consensus seems to be to drop the deca, i suppose i will. i'll keep my eyes open for hgc, but it'll probablly be for my second cycle, so i have a long time and i'm not worried about it.
    One last question, with the arimidex should i wait until the telltale signs of gyno begin to start it, save it for the end or run it on cycle reguardless?
    Everyone is somewhat different when it comes to using an AI during their cycle. Some people know they are gyno prone and tend to retain water a lot. Therefore, they usually dose the AI (arimidex) during their cycle, from the start.

    Others will wait for first signs of possible gyno (itchy nips) and then start to dose the AI. They use it only as needed because they don't want to drop their estrogen too low and inhibit possible gains on cycle (cause you need some estrogen too).

    My opinion, I like to keep bloat and water retention to a minimum. I'm not a big numbers guy, so gaining as much weight as possible on a cycle doesn't matter to me. I'd rather keep the 5-10 lbs. of water off all together. Plus, I like to take preventative measures against gyno. If I am using HCG during my cycle, my estrogen tends to rise quite a bit. Therefore, I will always take an AI also.

  7. #7
    thanks a lot, that really helps and i appreciate it. Really looking foreward to the cycle.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by maximal_effort View Post
    I've been training regularly for about 3 1/2 yrs. and I'm 24, though 25 is not far off. I'm 5'7" 186-lbs and approximately 10% bodyfat. lately I've been hitting plateau's across the board and really would like to take it to the next level. I've been doing research for over a year on gear and really think this is what i would like to do. It is really important to me to get as much information and advice from those with experience as possible.

    If a cycle sounds like a bad idea to anyone right now, please tell me, but include why, if you don't want to say why, don't post.

    My first choice was EQ, but i can't find it around. as it stands i'm looking at a 10 week cycle with Deca and Test Enth with typical first cycle dosage recommendations. i am also getting Nolvadex for my PCT. I wanted to get hCG for testicular atrophy, but once again, can't seem to find it locally. Any advice would be appreciated especially on any PCT addatives.

    I feel like this cycle is missing some components, and i've found so much conflicting and vague info. please give me suggestions, also any thoughts on hCG. thanks
    Please edit your post; that in red is considered fishing for a source, weather you intended to do that or not, edit that out.
    Last edited by breakbones; 04-20-2010 at 10:58 PM.

  9. #9
    sorry about the confusion

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Great attitude bro. Refreshing to see a newbie say what you're sayin! Good luck!

  11. #11
    thanks a lot, this will be a great thing if i do it right.

  12. #12
    well i'm going to start in about a week, i'll see if i can't get some before and afters, thanks so much for your input guys.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Good! Post Em! I'm gonna do before and afters of mine and I'll be starting in two weeks

    Weeks 1-12
    Test Prop 50mg ED
    Tren A 50mg ED
    Clen 60mcg ED

    Weeks 1-6
    Win 50mg ED

    Weeks 6-12
    Masterone 35mgs ED
    Cytomel Pyramid

    Its my 5th cycle (I think) and I've never run Masterone before!

    Hopin I go from 13% to around 6% easy

  14. #14
    good luck man can't wait to see how it'll turn out.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Dante Diamond View Post
    Everyone is somewhat different when it comes to using an AI during their cycle. Some people know they are gyno prone and tend to retain water a lot. Therefore, they usually dose the AI (arimidex) during their cycle, from the start.

    Others will wait for first signs of possible gyno (itchy nips) and then start to dose the AI. They use it only as needed because they don't want to drop their estrogen too low and inhibit possible gains on cycle (cause you need some estrogen too).

    My opinion, I like to keep bloat and water retention to a minimum. I'm not a big numbers guy, so gaining as much weight as possible on a cycle doesn't matter to me. I'd rather keep the 5-10 lbs. of water off all together. Plus, I like to take preventative measures against gyno. If I am using HCG during my cycle, my estrogen tends to rise quite a bit. Therefore, I will always take an AI also.
    How important is it to test estrgon levels before taking arimidex or could you use a symptom to start.

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