I have been lurking the boards for about a week now and have done some research about a few oral AAS's including Anadrol, Anavar, Dianabol, and Winstrol. I have on my computer William Llewellyn's "Anabolics 9th Edition" and have been using the information in there as well as what I find on the internet and am trying (at least on paper) to come up with my first cycle.
To start things off I should say I dont deal well with needles and if possible want my first cycle to be an oral only cycle. I am aware that many on the boards feel that Test E is the ideal 1st cycle to be run but needles are just not something I am comfortable with. From my reading I have come to understand (someone please correct me if I am wrong) that Anavar is overall the safest AAS in terms of liver toxicity, and it having little to no estrogenetic effects. My goal is to simply put on another 8-15 lbs of quality lean muscle without having to go on a long time consuming heavy bulk. According to Williams book, Winstrol is very liver toxic and seems to destroy libido...so a Winny only cycle is out. His book also states that Anadrol has heavy estrogenetic effects, and since I am trying to not raise my estrogen levels that is also out as a single AAS cycle.
I was wondering if assuming my diet and training were all in order, which of the following would be ideal for someone who is trying to gain 8-15 lbs of quality hard/lean muscle that will be maintainable once the cycle stops:
Dianabol + Anavar
Weeks 1-2 Dbol 20mg/day - this would be to somewhat kick start the cycle
Weeks 3-6 Anavar 20mg/day - this would be for the hopefully pure tissue gain and would help with putting on a few lbs of lean mass.
Anadrol + Anavar
Weeks 1-2 Anadrol 50mg/day - this would also hopefully kick start the cycle
Weeks 3-6 Anavar 20mg/day - again this would also be to hopefully add on pure tissue and help with the lean mass building.
If anybody would like to critique either the dosages or time intervals please feel free to lend your 2 cents, Im trying to do this the educated and smart way as I want to be as safe as possible should I choose to actually begin on a cycle of this nature.
PS. If anyone thinks I should do only the Anavar say 20-40mg/day for 4-8 weeks please let me know as I was also thinking that might be a good first cycle in and of itself. All constructive criticism is welcomed. Thank you.