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I've injected tren acetate three times now.I felt like proper crap the day after.cold n shaky.that went the next day.been wakin up middle of nite aswell every nite.but starting yesteday I've been gettin a feeling like I've got little blisters on my feet n hands.nothin is visible but feels bit like pins needles.I thort it was my boots from work n from lifting but never suffered before.now i've come out with blisters around my mouth on my Tongue n roof of mouth.got a sore lump in throat too.loads of spotty rash on bak of head.it's gettin stupid.I dunno if this is all cause of tren or just cause I'm feelin run down.just weird tha it's all come since I've started the tren.da think I shud stop it or continue it for another week n c if things clear.just don't want anything gettin worse.sorry bout the big story fellas