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  1. #1
    boxer1's Avatar
    boxer1 is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2006

    cruising and blasting q

    been crusing and blasting for a while now and have used test cyp as test of choice for both. I normally run it 200mg/week for the cruise and up it while blasting then taper back down etc. My question is; i want to run prop /tren cycle soon, should i keep running the 200mg/week cyp throughout the cycle so when i come off the prop i don't have to wait for the cyp to reach steady blood levels again, anyone else do this??
    stats 5'10, 30yrs old, 215lb, 13%bf

  2. #2
    smiler is offline Senior Member
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    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by boxer1 View Post
    been crusing and blasting for a while now and have used test cyp as test of choice for both. I normally run it 200mg/week for the cruise and up it while blasting then taper back down etc. My question is; i want to run prop /tren cycle soon, should i keep running the 200mg/week cyp throughout the cycle so when i come off the prop i don't have to wait for the cyp to reach steady blood levels again, anyone else do this??
    stats 5'10, 30yrs old, 215lb, 13%bf
    i certainly would. but i love test! some bro's here will tell you not to run the test as high as the tren. i feel if you are always "on" anyhow. (like i am) the more the merryer...

  3. #3
    boxer1's Avatar
    boxer1 is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2006
    ok ta, i'll be running the prop/tren the same @ 100mg/ed + 200mg cyp

  4. #4
    laduem88's Avatar
    laduem88 is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    maybe lower the cyp to 125mg ew....thats what id do

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