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Thread: How should i train on PCT?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    How should i train on PCT?

    ive just finished a 12 week cycle on deca and sus at 400/500mg a week....

    its been 3 weeks and i nd to begin my would you lot advise i train? should i carry on pushing myself and doing heavy weights? or should i decrease the intensity of my training?

    also..i know i should increase my caloris but by how much more? ive been told to over confused to what that precisely means..

    and last of all how long after the pct should i wait before switching to a cut?

    thanks for ur help in advance...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by ad_2nv View Post
    ive just finished a 12 week cycle on deca and sus at 400/500mg a week....

    its been 3 weeks and i nd to begin my would you lot advise i train? should i carry on pushing myself and doing heavy weights? or should i decrease the intensity of my training?

    also..i know i should increase my caloris but by how much more? ive been told to over confused to what that precisely means..

    and last of all how long after the pct should i wait before switching to a cut?

    thanks for ur help in advance...

    Continue to train with as much intensity as you can. You may lose a little strength, but my experience is, it's just harder(takes more intensity) to lift the same weight as you did on cycle during PCT. You want your body to get used to the work load and new found muscle/weight. I usually eat the same on PCT as I did on cycle, but you're not building anymore, so you may gain a little fat on PCT.

    You can cut calories after PCT, but I would make it a slow gradual process. No more then 1-2 lb loss every week IMO.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    thanks alot youve been very helpful!

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