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  1. #1
    xhurricanexkylex is offline New Member
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    First Cycle. Need experienced input

    I'm about to start my first cycle, and would like some input from an experienced/ reliable source in order to more safely/efficiently achieve my goals.

    Real quick background.
    I'll be 20 when I first start the cycle (in about a month).
    Ive been lifting religiously since my junior year of high school (Heading into my Junior year of college now).
    5'11/ 207lbs/ 10-13% BF
    I have done an adequate amount of research regarding AAS and PCT since i became interested my freshman year of college, however I told myself from the time i became interested that i would wait until i was at least 20 to do my first cycle.

    Goals for the cycle

    I want to harden the muscle I already have. At 5'11/207 I have a very athletic build, however I am bordering looking puffy. I want to harden the muscle i already have without necessarily adding useless mass onto what I already have. I'm also looking to have an added emphasis on the strength and endurance of my workouts (not sure if this makes sense or has anything to do with the cycle i choose, but for example i would rather bench 225 for a set of 25 than have a really high one rep max). Essentially, i'm looking to come out of this looking and performing more like an athlete, rather than a bodybuilder.

    What im running

    I will be doing this with a friend of mine that has done several cycles before and he recommended Sust 300

    To my knowledge i believe this to be a solid base for my first cycle. However, I'm contemplating whether or not i should/ could handle combining another, more goal orientated, steroid to my mix.

    The other steroids I have been looking into to add my to cycle are D-bol, anavar , and winstrol .

    I will be following my cycle with clomid and nolvadex


    I would love to hear any advice you believe will benefit me.

    Do you believe i could handle 2 steroids in my first cycle?
    If you do think i can, what do you believe to be the best secondary steroid to achieve my goals?
    What is the single best steroid for hardening and lean mass? (obviosuly debatable, but i want to hear all opinions)

  2. #2
    boosted93 is offline New Member
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    i really liked spawn for my first cycle.. Its wayyy to expensive now.. there are many clones but not alot of research on them.... Anyone want to give him advice on a clone? I did reversitol for my PCT and it worked out well

  3. #3
    dieseljimmy is offline Associate Member
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    I am going to be the first to say your too young. most people hear are likely tired of saying this. but there is truth to it. what most guys in here do not want to talk about is some level of sexual disfunction as a result of AAS. some guys cant get it up, some cant cum, some lose intrest in sex. some guys get it right away, some at the end of a cycle, sometimes it take years for this to develop. I think when people talk about there side effects this is not brought up because it is not something guys want to talk about. from my experience this seems to be more of an issue for guys who start young.

    heres the deal- I am assuming you 19 going on 20 based on your verbage. you should be trying to get a much p*ssy as possible, you should be getting drunk with your friends taking advantage of the drunk college girls. you want your man parts to work. they dont give a sh*t about muscles, they just want to have fun. there is plently of time for AAS. you can get a job(that will support AAS use) and a wife( sexual disfunction dosent matter then cause once you get married the sex drops at least 50% unless your wife is awsome) later. I just think you may rush into this thing without knowing the practical experience that you cant get seaching the internet.

    also careful with this anointedone guy. his very forward thread(s) make me think he is either very eager to sell his stuff or is a LE.

    for the record the best harding steroid is masteron -no question.

  4. #4
    xhurricanexkylex is offline New Member
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    Haha this is why I was on here asking. Like you said, real world application. I completely see where your coming from. And trust me, im doing absolutely everything you're sayin i should be haha.

    Its hard to find the information that you're talking about too. I really have been reading up on all the posts on here that are directed at kids like me, but theres little out there about how it affects your test in the future. Having a person out there like you that knows is way more helpful than a website.

    I understand what your saying in regards to age, i'm curious how dosage and therapy can counteract that though. Or if its just a general thing that happens when synthetic testosterone is introduced to the body, regardless of care and therapy.

  5. #5
    the big 1's Avatar
    the big 1 is offline Senior Member
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    5'11/ 207lbs/ 10-13% BF

    can i see some pics mate ? you must looked jacked for your height ?

  6. #6
    xhurricanexkylex is offline New Member
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    Haha, Thanks man, i can try to get some to put on my profile sometime soon.

    I have a pretty weird build, i think mainly due to competing in wrestling and just about every other sport throughout my entire life.

    I'm real thick and dense in my neck, core, and thighs. Random ass mix. But ive done alot to make sure my core looks as lean as possible, despite the thickness.

    All this goes back to what i want outta this, im trying to extenuate all this thick muscle and tone it up all around. Im trying to get really good muscle seperation without worrying about bulking up anymore.

  7. #7
    dieseljimmy is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by xhurricanexkylex View Post
    Haha this is why I was on here asking. Like you said, real world application. I completely see where your coming from. And trust me, im doing absolutely everything you're sayin i should be haha.

    Its hard to find the information that you're talking about too. I really have been reading up on all the posts on here that are directed at kids like me, but theres little out there about how it affects your test in the future. Having a person out there like you that knows is way more helpful than a website.

    I understand what your saying in regards to age, i'm curious how dosage and therapy can counteract that though. Or if its just a general thing that happens when synthetic testosterone is introduced to the body, regardless of care and therapy.
    I am not saying this happens to everyone but let me give my real life situation.
    I am 30- I have been juicing for about 6 years. I got some sides from deca but almost everything else is mild sides if any. I am not really that concerned with gyno as it has only presented itself once with deca. I cut the deca ran some letro and was GTG. hair loss is not a big issue. I lose some hair during cycle but it grows back when I am done. I do run propecia while on for safety. and I run heavy DHT based cycles. I have gone a little over 3 grams of combined androgens. but most of the time about 2 grams of androgens. I am 6'2 and about 265(pretty lean) I can get to 255 without major discomfort at abour 7-8% BF. my biggest concern was fertility/ sexual function. I never had any sexual disfuction in 6 years. I recently went off cycle got my wife preggers and said f*ck it I am going heavy for 6-7 months. I am at about 6 months and I am having a hard time cumming. This is totally new to me, usually when on I am a machine. I thought I was immune. I have heard guys say this under there breath and always though "sucks for you dude" but it is not fun. now at this point she is uncomfortable with a big ass baby on her stomach so there is not a whole lot going on. but she gave me a weiner wash on sunday and I was really struggling to get off(but I did). It sucked. The mental aggrevation is wierd and hard to handle in my mind.
    Now if someone asked me if I had steroid related issues would I tell them I am having boner issues? I dont know maybe not -it is embarressing. I am on a faceless nameless board right now speaking with likeminded people-very easy. If I were asked in a more clinical setting face to face with someone, IDK.
    all I am saying is I think this is more of an issue then many guys would open up about. and I have noticed that the guys(that I know) that seem to really complain about this are the guys that started at 17/18/19.
    I am going to run for about 4 more weeks and I am going to take a fairly long/hard PCT and break and hopefully that works but I am concerned that I may have f*cked something up. but even if I did at least I hit some hot tail, got in some 3 ways (that I use for shower time) did some straight unrespectable things while I was young and the girls where drunk and stupid. now if it dosent work I am missing out on sex once a week with my wife. could be worse I have always been too much(frequency) for her anyways. I am just glad it did not happen at 20.

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