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  1. #1
    gbroadaway is offline New Member
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    Apr 2010

    NEWBIE..Need some help

    New to the board and all and just looking for someone who actually knows what the hell they are talking I am 21 years old and weigh about 190. Looking to pack on about 10-15 ppounds of good lean muscle, would like for pretty much every muscle in my body to be a lot bigger but just dont know exactly what it is i want to get on. I work out 5 days a week and all im on right now is protein and its like im making no progress. Have took some prohormones and all before but never really did anything for me. I work out with a guy who can get me anything it is i want but i just dont know what it is..Any ideas on what you think i should do would be helpfull, all critisism is helpful to thanks.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails NEWBIE..Need some help-g.jpg  

  2. #2
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    21 is too young. If you're making no progress and saw nothing from PH, then your diet and or training is insufficient. AAS will also not work if you don't have diet and training on point.

    Visit the diet section, post up your diet and ask for advise. That's the first place I would look for help.

  3. #3
    Dr Pepper's Avatar
    Dr Pepper is offline Anabolic Member
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    See if your training partner can get you like a deit...

  4. #4
    JScondition's Avatar
    JScondition is offline Member
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    No one is going to hand you advice... search for it. You will gain a lot more than just asking questions.

  5. #5
    tboney's Avatar
    tboney is offline Anabolic Member
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    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by gbroadaway View Post
    New to the board and all and just looking for someone who actually knows what the hell they are talking I am 21 years old and weigh about 190. Looking to pack on about 10-15 ppounds of good lean muscle, would like for pretty much every muscle in my body to be a lot bigger but just dont know exactly what it is i want to get on. I work out 5 days a week and all im on right now is protein and its like im making no progress. Have took some prohormones and all before but never really did anything for me. I work out with a guy who can get me anything it is i want but i just dont know what it is..Any ideas on what you think i should do would be helpfull, all critisism is helpful to thanks.
    Hey bro, welcome!
    If you really want to make progress and get sound advice from people who know what they are talking about it is going to require you to be open minded and teachable...
    From your pic, it appears that you are working from a good base.
    The problem is that at your age, provided that you dont have some condition that inhibits your normal testosterone production, you are producing lots of natural test production and if you use aas' at this point you will be running the risk of damaging your already working endocrine system!! The last thing you want to do is run the risk of developing some sexual dysfunctions at your age!! Further more your body is still developing. Takking aas' before you are fully developed can affect your growth potential!!!
    Trust me when I tell you that that is something you dont want to do. It is critical that you wait a few more years before you use any aas'!!!
    If you are not making any head way then there is something wrong with either your diet or your training. Go to the diet section, go to the training section, do some research and wait a few years.
    I promise you that you will benefit from waiting.

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