Hi, I read a lot of posts on this website everyday and I've been reading a lot of intelligent and helpful replies from all of you. I think you guys have a lot of heart, and the more I get to know the types of personalities most of you possess, the more sympathetic I feel towards the fact taht you ahve to put up with the stupid stereotypes and media induced garbage about the "effects" of roids. Pls pls read this all the way through although it's quite long, and I hope u take the time to help me out.
I'm 19 years old, im 5'9 and a half, and Im 135 pounds with like 5 or 6% body fat. A week and a half ago, I started my first cycle, its test suspension. I did a lot of research etc, and I decided to do this cycle a week and a half ago. However, I just don't feel right at all, I feel like im cheating myself, and lieing to myself. Basically, Im tired of being so skinny, I mean ppl tell me sometimes how I have a "nice" body because I'm so ripped and look quite muscular. However im very thin, I really really want to get bigger.
Anyway, Ive been reading more teen posts and replies, like the mikeygas post, and ohiobber, and it's got me thinking even more. I mean, I really don't think 1 cycle of test suspension at a concentration of 100mg/ml is gonna harm me too much. But, I sitll don't feel right. Actually Ive already started to notice some hair loss and thinning.
I've always considered myself a hardgainer, however I haven't really ever taken the time to put myself on a crazy diet for a month or two and a strict workout regiment. Always done it halfassed. As soon as I started the roids however, Ive been taking at least 3000 calories per day, might not be too much but compared to what i was eating, which was probably like 1500 calories per day before the roids, its a big step up. And my workouts have gotten a lot more intense. If eel myself getting into nutrition and working out a lot more since I took the roids.
Here's the main point I want to make though, I'm pretty sure, the increased appetite and intensity, are mostly mental. I feel like I can do those thigns becuase I know im on the roids. I feel as if I know I can be as intense even if I wasnt on them, I just need to have the confidence.
Basically, what I ask of u, is to pls tell me what u know about test suspension, side effects, effectiveness, etc. As well, shed some light and hope about the possibility of me gaining weight NATURALLY in the next 2 or 3 months without roids. Ill take ne supplements, protein, creatine, u name it. As well as eat like a mutant horse and workout intensely. Im 135 now and again, very very sick of it. I wanna be at least 150 by May, maybe June. U think its possible? and I dont mean gain fat, Im cut, and I wanna stay that way. Pls offer advise in ne way possible. thanks again,
Tell u the truth, Im kinda looking forward to forgetting about the fact that I took those 8 shots, and dumping that liquid down the toilet.
Maybe I shouldn't have even started this cycle, and I hope u guys help me out. I wanna be natural, and if u guys can confidently say that I'll gain muscle and weight with ur suggestions, then I will do them.
It's been 8 shots, it's not too late for me to walk away, sure I'll have lost some money, but... sometimes ignorance is costly.
Thanks, I know u guys are probably sick of these teens asking for all this advice etc, but I'm glad you take the time to educate.