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  1. #1
    Archangel. is offline Banned
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    Feb 2010

    Why not just nolva on cycle vs AI??

    Can someone experienced please explain to me why someone would/should run an AI i.e. arinidex on cycle as opposed to nolva? The AI decreases the amount of aromatization so there is less test being converted to estrogen right? Therefore this could also potentially lessen one's gains, as estrogen is just as important as test for anabolism. Why not just run nolva, which would only block the estrogen from binding to the breast tissue (one of the biggest reasons we use AI's anyway)? Wouldn't this allow all of the natural aromatizing to occur, therefore no chance in hindering anabolism (gains)???

    On the surface, to my understanding of things, wouldn't it make more sense/be more beneficial to just run the nolva on cycle, and not the AI?

    Can someone please educate me on this, thanks

  2. #2
    Archangel. is offline Banned
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    Feb 2010
    bump please

  3. #3
    Smallnaturalbuilder is offline Associate Member
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    I think there are some studies that showed Nolvadex lowers IGF-1 levels, and that's why it has been falling out off favor in many users. Arimidex don't do this directly, but it can also lower IGF-1 levels indirectly because it supresses estrogen way too much, and moderately high estrogen levels are needed for good IGF-1 production.

    What many people do is to simply have Arimidex/Aromasin on hand in case of excessive bloating, gyno or other estrogen-related symptoms.

  4. #4
    BIG_GUNS_21 is offline Member
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    The nolva can affect gains as well by binding and competeing for receptor sites. As well a lot of people like dex over nolva cause it helps a lot more with the bloating b/c it does stop the conversion.

    But on the other side, there are a lot of guys who like nolva better than dex and swear by it. So its more of a personal pref IMO.

    Just no one wants boobs....So one or the other is a good idea.

  5. #5
    millionairemurph's Avatar
    millionairemurph is offline Senior Member
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    serms do something totally different than Ai's. Nolva blocks the estrogen at one site, where ai"s reduce the amount of estrogen the body makes

    i dont see nolva or clomid fixing bloat during a cycle like i know ais do for me

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