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Thread: twist and gyno

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    twist and gyno

    So I have gyno while on trt. I am taking 200mgs per week 2x a week dose and even if I lower it to 75mgs per week, I still have gyno. Anyway my gyno has not been hurting like it usually does and I am taking 200mgs per week currently. I figured since my gyno is at an ok place I will take some arimidex to get rid of it. So I started adex at .25mgs ed and BOOM! it flared up after the first dose and got bigger and painful. WHY DID THAT HAPPEN?? Could it be caused by something other than estrogen> progesterone or something idk....

    help please

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    No idea man. I've always heard that once you have it (actually have it, not just itchy nips) that the only way to get rid of it is surgery. If it's formed, it's formed.

    On the other hand, I have no idea why it would get bigger and painful. Try posting this in the HRT forum and consult you TRT doc.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    If it can only be caused by estrogen then I think the problem could result from a rebound effect of the estrogen levels after I take adex. So maybe if I take it in the morning it gets better but then at night the estrogen rebounds and when I wake up it is really bad... But I wonder if anyone knows if it could be caused by something other than estrogen levels.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Staring into glory!!
    Adex takes a week or so to kick in so STAY ON IT!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Staring into glory!!
    How long have you been taking adex?? You wont rebound off the adex if you take it ed or oed. Im gyno prone and am running it at .50 eod on a 700mg ew prop cycle. Its my second week and no signs whatsoever.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaGenetics View Post
    Adex takes a week or so to kick in so STAY ON IT!!
    April 18
    gyno was a small bubble and not painful to a slight touch, but a pinch would definitely hurt.
    April 19
    took .25 mgs of adex in the middle of the day
    April 20
    Gyno at least doubled in size and is really really painful to even a slight touch.

    whatever the reason is, the adex caused a severe negative effect on my gyno immediately.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Staring into glory!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    April 18
    gyno was a small bubble and not painful to a slight touch, but a pinch would definitely hurt.
    April 19
    took .25 mgs of adex in the middle of the day
    April 20
    Gyno at least doubled in size and is really really painful to even a slight touch.

    whatever the reason is, the adex caused a severe negative effect on my gyno immediately.
    Are you sure you diddnt squeeze it and irritate it? Your just on test right?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Gyno's pretty simple in my experience. I've been managing it for a couple years now. Here's what I know:

    Adex can only make it worse with a rebound. Otherwise, it may merely fail to help when used improperly.

    According to the anecdotal evidence I've seen, which is considerable, adex is least likely to reverse gyno.

    Aromasin is WAY better because it is 1000% less likely to cause a rebound since it's a permanent, steroidal AI. You should switch ASAP, no matter what stage of the battle you're in.

    The rest of these guys like letro, but I'll tell you that, again in my experience, no matter what success you have reversing gyno with it (none for me), beating the rebound will be REALLY tricky.

    If your gyno is noticeable, start saving for surgery. You appear to be really gyno prone running such a low dose of T, so I'm also inclined to believe that makes you less likely to beat it with drugs and more likely to suffer from rebounds (as you have observed).

    AIs are really hard on the hairline, so pay very close attention to what's going on up there.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    100% agree that exemestane is the way to go, best ai imo.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Standing Above Weakness
    Isn't Letro more powerful than stane and therefore wouldn't it be the better option for attempting gyno reversal?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    Isn't Letro more powerful than stane and therefore wouldn't it be the better option for attempting gyno reversal?
    I'll admit that it's possible letro is more powerful; however, I believe the difference to be negligible. The reason is that I read several studies a while back when I was battling gyno that reported a difference of something like 5%. The findings were that each drug basically annihilates estrogen. Moreover, exemestane, being a permanent, steroidal AI, has something of a cumulative effect that you don't see with adex and letro. Lastly, I believe that if exemestane doesn't do the trick, letro's extra tinge of power is not likely to save the day. In conclusion, exemestane is better by virtue of its rebound-free, estrogen stomping power which is only slightly (if really at all) inferior to letro, whose killer rebound puts the user at risk of worsening the gyno he problably failed to defeat in the first place.



  12. #12
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    Apr 2008
    I never touch my gyno, I know not to stimulate it. I am very gentle as it is physically painful.

    I beat the rebound of letro with adex and then lowered test to levels were adex was not needed then tapered adex... when i got test to the good levels again I added a little adex and the gyno exploded again.

    I have not tried aromasin. I will consult my doctor about it. But do you guys think that there is anything other than estrogen that could create gyno?

    test only btw

    thank you for the responses.

  13. #13
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    Jan 2008
    The timing can be tricky. Things happen simultaneously so that you get an intuitive post hoc ergo ad hoc conclusion, which is often incorrect. In other words, I think you mave concurrent events with root causes at different places on the timeline. For instance, it's possible the gyno flare is actually the rebound taking effect well after you were expecting it. I can't say how long it takes for the drug to fully stop working once you discontinue it (though I've read a lot of numbers, from here and elsewhere), but I do know that it doesn't take a very high test level for a sudden, massive release of free aromatase to wreck your body. In fact, the low test you mentioned could have been stage one of the rebound (free test dropping as it converts, feedback loop causing a further decline). Moreover, it's hard to say how long it will take the actual gyno tissue to noticeably "flare" after the spike in estrogen. In short, the apparent anachronims can probably be attributed to our immense dearth of information on the actual mechanics of
    the drugs and the whole rebound process.

    That said, it's also possble that your adexc isn't really adex. 'Might wana look at your source there. My recommendation would be to get some legit aromasin and stabilize yourself.
    What you're going through sounds pretty arcane, but I'm still inclined to believe that

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I have doctor prescribed everything. I have stopped the adex and my gyno doesnt hurt as much anymore, but it is still sensitive. adex makes it worse for either the reasons you have stated above, or another issue.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Right on. Good luck dude.

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