Last edited by RAG3; 02-09-2016 at 10:33 PM. Reason: lab name
K, lol, I was just about it make a thread about this...I emailed them and yes the nolva has the balls in it, the email said the balls indicate a mix? So I guess they mean the tamox + citrate...
but ya, thats tamox citrate
they have pretty good pricing on reaserch chems and peptides. Was shippin fast?
Last edited by RAG3; 02-09-2016 at 10:33 PM.
i know this thread is old, but i just recieved the same stuff. can anyone confirm the dosage for this, im doing 20/20/10/10, my nolva has printed on the label....
30.4mg/ml, 60ML??? my oral syringe is in 1 ml increments...math is not my game.
take .7 ml to get 21mg.. and take .3ml to get 9mg.. but to be honest most PCT i have seen would be double what you are saying.. so i would recomend taking
1.4ml for two weeks and then .7ml for the following two weeks you will have plenty left over for your next cycle
I'm thinking of ordering some I'm from uk any one no delivery time for here thanks atb joe
AR-R took two weeks.. which i guess was longer then it was supposed to be and so he gave me two bottles of clen instead of one.. I live in Ireland.. you won't have problems with any of these liquid research chems.. the cops don't even know they exist
No. 30.4mg of tamox citrate is equivalent to 20mg of actual tamoxifen. The pharmaceutical companies just do the adjustment to account for the citrate's mass without telling you. So really a 20mg Nolva tab is 30.4mg of tamox citrate.
However, this only applies to Nolva. Clomid and Torem (though they also have the citrate part) contain an actual 50mg or 60mg per tab (respectively) of active compound.
OP, use the whole ml and count it as 20mg.
"20 mg Tablets:
Each tablet contains 30.4 mg of tamoxifen citrate which is equivalent to 20 mg of tamoxifen."
Last edited by Bonaparte; 12-13-2010 at 11:37 PM.
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