Ok. first of all, thanks for reading. my stats are about 18%bf 5'11 208lbs. Im also about to be 21. I play 2 sports for my college as well as other sports in competitive leagues and workout everyday (moderately). Just looking for help to get bigger and leaner. i know its hard but for the summer, i think id like to start a cut first. Anyway, my cousin and i are the same build but he is shorter and only 20. we are both recommended to take test prop on a cutting cycle and our choice of either another injectable or oral. please tell me what i should do. i am in a d2 college and found out that almost all of the members of the sports teams in my college in florida are on some cycles. just looking to help level the playing field with no to minimal sides. thanks for your help.

PS: been working out since i was 11. currently on oxyelite pro. working its wonder!