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Thread: New cycle and questions.

  1. #1

    New cycle and questions.

    Hi, I have done some research and am considering doing my first cycle. I figured it would be good to have some feedback from the experts

    Here’s the stats:

    Age: 21
    Resting heart rate: 68
    Normal blood pressure
    Body type: Closest to mesomorph but leaning towards ecto
    Weight: 71kgs
    Height: 6’
    BF%: 16

    I am currently doing a cardio vascular program to improve my health, at the end of this I would like to begin a bulking program and include my first steroid cycle into that, I will be doing upper and lower body splits 4-6 days a week as I understand that is a good bet to get the most out of my cycle.
    The following is my cycle (beginner):


    Testosterone (Cypionate or Enanthate)


    400 mgs

    25 mgs/day

    400 mgs

    25 mgs/day

    400 mgs

    25 mgs/day

    400 mgs

    25 mgs/day

    400 mgs

    25 mgs/day

    400 mgs


    400 mgs


    400 mgs


    400 mgs


    400 mgs


    400 mgs


    400 mgs


    400 mgs

    - T-cypionate and Dbol pills.
    I have worked out for extended periods of time before but struggle to gain muscle mass, ergo why I’m considering a cycle.

    My diet closely resembles the following:

    • Breakfast:
    • Seven scrambled eggs (1 whole + 6 or more whites)
    • 1 cup cooked NON-instant oatmeal.
    • 1 glass apple juice
    • 1 cup coffee

    • Snack:
    • 1 protein shake/nuts/peanut butter sandwich on wholemeal bread
    • 1 small glass of water

    • Lunch:
    • 1 can tuna fish in water
    • 2 slices of wheat bread
    • 1 spoon of sweet relish
    • Dash of Celery-salt
    • 1 large glass of water

    • Snack:
    • 1 protein shake
    • 1 small glass of water

    • Dinner:
    • 1 baked boneless chicken breast, or salmon steak
    • 1 serving of brown rice
    • 1 serving of green beans
    • 1 large glass of water

    • Before Bed:
    • 1 protein shake
    • 1 small glass of water

    I will be using mass gainer protein shakes (I’ll need to consume roughly 3400kcal by my count), 5mgs of creatine and glutamine a day, and krill oil to supplement.

    My questions:
    1. On a small cycle like this is it worth having nolvadex on hand?
    2. I live in the UK, is the best bet for supplies?
    3. In the UK where is it possible to get needles, I will be doing glute injections so I understand 23 gauge is a good choice for this?
    4. On websites like they specify their sachets contain 20ml x 250mg/ml, does this mean there are 20 250mg doses?
    5. I am planning on getting a blood test in the next week, is this worthwhile?
    6. Can I continue to do 30-45 mins of light (60-75%) cardio during these weeks? Or shall I cut it down because of my propensity to struggle to make gains.
    7. What kind of PCT should I be looking at for this kind of cycle?
    8. I’m not planning on doing this again, I’m just looking to get in shape, bulk out and then cut down, would this cycle be suitable for those goals?
    9. Basically, does this all look good to you guys?

    I would really appreciate some feedback.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Hey, Im new here man and im pretty sure its not allowed you post any info on how to get or where to get supplies. Just the heads up

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Your to young for steroids and you can do alot more naturally, use your high level of natural testosterone instead of shutting down your own hormonal system what hasnt fully developed yet, you could cause yourself to have low test for life, wait a few more years IMHO.

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Jan 2005
    Ive alos edited your post, you cant post lab names or sources, read the rules please.

  5. #5
    Ok, sorry about that. Is it really that risky on a small cycle like this? If you say so I'm happy to take your advice, I've read your other posts, pretty sure you have the edge on me.

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Jan 2005
    Have a read of this

    My opinion is you should wait and use what you have naturally and build a better base, best of luck.

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