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Thread: 1st cycle...please help.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    1st cycle...please help.

    I am getting ready to start my first cycle and wanted to see what everybody thought about this. I am 21 years old, 5'9", 160 lbs, 7-8% BF, been lifting for about 3 years or so. I am looking at doing test cyp at 400mg every 7 days. One question I have is how many weeks should I run this. I know some will probably say I should inject more often than that, but a problem I have is I go see my girlfriend every weekend so if I bruise then it needs to go down before the weekend. If test cyp isn't good to inject every 7 days then what is the best. Also what is the best brand of cyp. I am also gonna run Dbol 30mg/d for 4 weeks to jump start. I would add some deca but I am in college and I am broke. I can barely run this cycle. What is the suggested use for clomid and should I take nolva during the cycle or keep it just incase? Any help is greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    wait til you start working your "summer" job and run a full cycle with the deca/test. 150mg deca and 200mg test in one shot twice a week would be great. Just my 2 cents.

    clomid - just search - there are 100's of articles on it - u might try searching for 300/100/50.

  3. #3
    The only time I have ever bruised from an injection is when I was using ** crap.

    400mg is a good beginner cycle, and you'll get good gains even if shot every 7 days. Although 200mg E4D would be better. Run it like this:

    Weeks 1-4: 30mg ED
    Weeks 1-10: 400mg Test Cyp

    You say you can barely afford the cycle..just make sure you can afford your anti-e's and enough food to make you grow. There's no point in using gear if your too broke to eat right.


  4. #4
    You should make decent gains off of 400mg of test a week and 30mg of d-bol ED for your first cycle. You should only take the nolva if you start to see signs of gyno during your cycle. The reason for this is that nolva acts as an estrogen antagonist and will actually limit your gains if you take it through your cycle since you need a certain amount of estrogen to put on muscle. If you do start to notice signs of gyno take 20mg of Nolva ED. For post cycle start nolva at 40mg two weeks after your last shot of test. Run the 40mg Nolva for 2 weeks and then drop it down to 20mg Ed for an additional two weeks.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    If you're going to have to take a shot every 7 days than opt for Sustanon. Or inject the test cyp twice a week as previously stated.

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