I am getting ready to start my first cycle and wanted to see what everybody thought about this. I am 21 years old, 5'9", 160 lbs, 7-8% BF, been lifting for about 3 years or so. I am looking at doing test cyp at 400mg every 7 days. One question I have is how many weeks should I run this. I know some will probably say I should inject more often than that, but a problem I have is I go see my girlfriend every weekend so if I bruise then it needs to go down before the weekend. If test cyp isn't good to inject every 7 days then what is the best. Also what is the best brand of cyp. I am also gonna run Dbol 30mg/d for 4 weeks to jump start. I would add some deca but I am in college and I am broke. I can barely run this cycle. What is the suggested use for clomid and should I take nolva during the cycle or keep it just incase? Any help is greatly appreciated.