Just looking for feedback on the below cycle. First cycle will be completed soon, with PCT beginning April 26th. Basic Test-E @ 500mgs/week. Nolva/Clomid PCT.
Age: 23 (almost)
Starting Weight: ~165lbs.
Current Weight: 190lbs.
Height: 5'9
Calories: 3758
Fats: 108.5g
Carbs: 295g
Protein: 407g
Goal Weight: 215lbs.
Goal TDEE: 3284
Suggested Mass Cycle #2
Week 1-10 Test-E @ 500mgs/week
Week 1-8 Deca @ 300mgs/week
Week 1-4 Anadrol @ 50mgs/week
Week 1-10 Arimidex @ .25mgs/EOD
Nolva/Clomid @ 40/100, 20/50, 20/50, 20/50
--Cycle #1 Lessons--
*Found I'm particularly prone to water retention/bloating, even with 50min cardio/day. Hopefully, Arimidex will help control that a little more this cycle
*Acne Annihilator from Platinum Labz worked wonders. That coupled with tanning = no acne from cycle
*Dbol-25 from banner on this site is fake. Lesson learned.
*Easiest and painless injection site is by far the delts. Too shaky trying to reach around for glute injections (plus I sit all day at work and school)
*ON Whey Cookies'n'Cream and Strawberry Delicious is false adversiting
*Cytosport Monster products still rock the casbah
*Body responds very positively to FST-7 workout
*Leg days suck just as much on cycle as they do off cycle