Ok so when I last ran something I stopped a vial of tren with about 3ccs left in it. I recall their was a bit of an issue with the tren when I was drawing a small amount of it was escaping through the rubber stopper(when upside down) I was using 18 gauge. Anyways I didnt leave it in the cleanest box theirs a bit of dust or dirt near the top of the rubber stopper but nothing significant. Im going to switch to 21 gauge in the future to avoid getting small pieces of rubber in the vial but I dont see any in this one.
Anyways would you guys use this or just throw it out keep in mind Ive still got 3 other 10cc vials of tren although they might be slightly underfilled,
I had an injury back in late november, around when I was planning to do an cycle. I lost alot of my strength, I ended up getting back in the gym late january. Ive been getting decent progress but still slower than I would have liked and expected.
I have 7 10cc vials of test that expire feb 2011
3 vials of tren 2 of them with a feb 2011 expiry and 1 spring 2011 as well
on top of that I have 3 10cc vials of deca with a 2012 expiry as well as 2 other vials of test that are supposed to be 10ccs but they look more like 7-8. Their short ones that are somewhat thicker than normal
RIght now im approximately 5 10 and a half 200lbs 17-18% BF. Ive been recently adding PWO cardio to my routine. I know I should get down to at least 15 before cycling but at the same time I dont mind being a bit of a chubber.
I do have low testosterone, level partially due to Hypocholesterolemia, my bro with the same condition was told he had the HDL of a new born baby lol. both my bro and dad have crohns I havent been tested although, so their is likely some absorbtion issues wit me as well.
Ideally I would like to be a bit further along before I cycle as in the past I hopped on too soon but at the same time I really want to use all this gear before it expires. I had kept a most of my gains and strength from my last cycle which was during the spring and summer of 09 but with my hand being broken late last year it was a pretty significant set back.
I was planning on doing the deca first and the tren second but with the expiration dates I might have to switch this up. Although most of the test expires at the same time as then tren so...
ok so starting June im thinking of doing
400-500mg of Tren E 2x per week 200mg shots
625-750mg of Test E 2x a week 375 per shot
For 12-15 weeks
Either that or Deca 400-500mg per week
Test E 625-750 per week again
Then wait 14 days.. and start my pct Ideally Id like aromasin to add to my PCT which I guess I could still order from somewhere.
PCT wise I dont have too much about enough for 1 decent PCT. No AI for either the PCT or to run during the cycle.
2 AG-G bottles of Nolva, 30 ml at 25mg per ml
1 and half bottles of their clomid 30 ml at 50mg per ml
50 20mg nolva pills
Unfortunatly I got ripped off for about 600 bucks from AG-G watch out for them I ordered a couple times(smaller orders) in the past which came through across the border no prob but their selective scammers. I was supposed to get 2 bottles of dostinex viargra cialis aromasin, some more clomid and nolvadex. It was like spend over 500 and get like 10 free bottles but they likely just do that to scam you so watch out.
Any comments suggestions on the cycle or how you think I should use the gear I have in the alloted time frame.
I figure a 1-3 months after the expiry date should be fine possibly even longer.