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  1. #1
    buffalobills515 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2010

    should i try steroids

    Im 19, 6'2" weigh 175 and about 13% BF. I have been working out for 3.5 years now and havent really gained much. I usually make gains and then i get hurt or need to stop for a week or two and lose almost everything i gained from months of training. Im considering trying steroids for 6 to 10 weeks to put on alot of muscle, then go back to natural bodybuilding. I would like to hear some advice, and im sorry if this is in the wrong section. Response would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Archangel. is offline Banned
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    Everyone on here's gonna tell you you're too young buddy. Your best bet is to seriously focus on your diet, training and rest.

  3. #3
    danielli is offline Associate Member
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    I'm still new bro, but I am pretty sure you are going to get a ton of "No". You're pretty young...if you search the forums, you'll find dozens of threads like yours that explain the reasons why.

    Another option (probably the better option) would be to hit the diet section and make sure you're doing that right...give it some time with Diet and workout to see if that works before you dive into AAS.

  4. #4
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    *no sources i wont reply*
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    too young, you'll mess up your natural system

  5. #5
    buffalobills515 is offline New Member
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    i dont know, i make decent gains initially but they just disappear. im tired of working out and not looking like i do

  6. #6
    buffalobills515 is offline New Member
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    and if i got all out eating, i gains large ammounts of fat. when i try to cut, the muscle goes along with the fat. its happened before alot. right now i have been doing 3500 cal on workout days, and 3250 on non workout days, i had gain 11 lbs muscle and lost 2lb fat, i did 2 weeks of strength training hurt my back, but kept working out everything but my back, now all my chest muscle is gone. i dont know what happened

  7. #7
    danielli is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by buffalobills515 View Post
    and if i got all out eating, i gains large ammounts of fat. when i try to cut, the muscle goes along with the fat. its happened before alot. right now i have been doing 3500 cal on workout days, and 3250 on non workout days, i had gain 11 lbs muscle and lost 2lb fat, i did 2 weeks of strength training hurt my back, but kept working out everything but my back, now all my chest muscle is gone. i dont know what happened
    then the diet section should be your friend. Figure out what you're doing wrong there. Post your goals, stats, goals, and your current diet, and I'm sure yuou'll find some folks willing to help.

    If you;re looking for help planning a cycle, you won't get much help because of your age.

  8. #8
    Tyler694 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by buffalobills515 View Post
    and if i got all out eating, i gains large ammounts of fat. when i try to cut, the muscle goes along with the fat. its happened before alot. right now i have been doing 3500 cal on workout days, and 3250 on non workout days, i had gain 11 lbs muscle and lost 2lb fat, i did 2 weeks of strength training hurt my back, but kept working out everything but my back, now all my chest muscle is gone. i dont know what happened
    Confirms diet and/or training is not in check then..

  9. #9
    Hard.On's Avatar
    Hard.On is offline Senior Member
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    judging by ur title,


  10. #10
    cobra305's Avatar
    cobra305 is offline Member
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    the fact that you have to ask means no. You are 19 you will grow with good diet and training.

  11. #11
    Tyler694 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by twotimer View Post
    judging by ur title,


    C'mon! Cut him some slack!

    Oh.. Nevermind.

  12. #12
    illflex is offline New Member
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    I did my first at 17, and regret it. If I could do it all over again, I'd pass until mid-20s.

  13. #13
    The One's Avatar
    The One is offline Associate Member
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    dude you already know the answer to your question but your holding out hope that someone tells you no prob. go ahead

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    if you dont figure out how to eat to grow natty then all the aas in the world will not help you.....whatever gains you make on aas will leave you just like before cus like everyone is telling you, its your diet thats holding you back....

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Diet, rest and training. NOT AAS.

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