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04-22-2010, 03:01 PM #1
Blood Work, Blood Pressure & Spermatic Cytoanalysis during Test Suspension Cycle
The following results after:
38 Days of Testosterone Suspension averaged at 73,94 mg ed.
38 Days of Mesterolone averaged at 88,81 mg ed.
17 Days of Oxandrolone averaged at 68,82 mg ed.
Never used any AI or SERM so far.
__________________________________________________ _________________Day 38
ERYTHROCYTES: 5,08 mil/mmc [4 - 5,5]______________________________________4,65
LEUCOCYTES: 7,6 mila/mmc [4 - 9]__________________________________________14,4
- NE: 4,2 / 55,9 % [2 - 6 / 37 - 80]
- LY: 2,5 / 35 % [0,6 - 36 / 10 - 50]
- MO: 0,7 / 8,7 % [0 - 0,9 / 0 - 12]
- EO: 0,3 / 2,5 % [0 - 7 / 0 - 7]
- BA: 0 / 0,6 % [0 - 0,2 / 0 - 2,5]
HEMOGLOBIN: 15,1 gr/dl [14 - 18]___________________________________________13,2
HEMATOCRIT: 44,2 % [42 - 52]_____________________________________________39,8
MCV: 87 femtol [82 - 98]__________________________________________________85,6
MCH: 29,7 picogr. [27 - 31]________________________________________________28,4
MCHC: 34,2 gr/dl [32 - 36]_________________________________________________33,2
RDW: 13,7 % [11,6 - 16]
GRAN-NEUTROPHILS: 65,7 % [37 -80]________________________________________76,4
GRAN-EOSINOPHILS: 2,8 % [0,0 - 7]_________________________________________0,5
GRAN-BASOPHILS: 0,9 % [0,0 - 2,5]_________________________________________0,8
LYMPHOCYTES: 23,4 % [10 - 50]____________________________________________16
MONOCYTES: 7,2 % [0,0 - 12]______________________________________________6,3
PLATELETS: 150000 /mmc [150000 - 400000]_________________________________362000
PCT: 0,13 % [0,1 - 1]
MPV: 7,5 fl [5 - 10]
PDW: 17,5 % [12 - 18]
GLYCEMIA (basal): 91 mg/dl [70 - 110]
INR: 1,2
APTT: 28 s
FIBRINOGEN: 190 mg/dl [180 - 350]
HOMOCYSTEINE: 11 mcmoli/l [6 - 15]
MYOGLOBIN: 27 ng/ml [10 - 46]
AZOTEMIA: 62 mg/dl [15-40]______________________________________________46
CREATININE: 1,1 mg/dl [0,8 - 1,3]__________________________________________1,2
HYPERURICEMIA: 6 mg/dl [3,5 - 7,2]
CHOLESTEROL TTL: 156 mg/dl [140 - 220]___________________________________142
CHOLESTEROL VLDL: 35 mg/dl [20 - 40]
CHOLESTEROL LDL: 103 mg/dl [< 150]_______________________________________130
CHOLESTEROL HDL: 35 mg/dl [> 40]_________________________________________12
INDEX RISK HDL: 4,5 [till 5]________________________________________________11,8
APO A1: 190 mg/dl [115 - 220]
APO B: 79 mg/dl [55 - 125]
RATIO B/A1 APO: 0,41 [0,35 - 1]
TRIGLYCERIDES: 90 mg/dl [< 150]
GAMMA (YGT): 32 u/ltr [15 - 85]___________________________________________27
ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE: 96 u/ltr [50 - 136]_________________________________57
BILIRUBIN TTL: 1 mg/dl [0,2-1]
BILIRUBIN DIRECT: 0,25 mg/dl [0,05 - 0,3]
BILIRUBIN INDIRECT: 0,67 mg/dl [till 0,7]
TRANSAMINASE GOT/AST: 26 u/ltr [15 - 37]__________________________________63
TRANSAMINASE GPT/ALT: 62 u/ltr [30 - 65]__________________________________104
FERRITIN: 125 ng/ml [24 - 336]
LIPASE: 324 u/ltr [114 - 284]______________________________________________234
AMYLASE: 69 u/ltr [25 - 115]______________________________________________66
LDH: 170 u/ltr [100 - 190]
CPK MB: 230 u/ltr [35 - 232]
CK NAK: 160 u/l [till 167]
PROTIDES TTL: 7,5 gr/dl [6,4 - 8,2]
ALBUMIN: 60 % [51 - 63,3]
ALFA 1: 3 % [2,2 - 4,3]
ALFA 2: 10 % [9,5 - 14]
BETA: 11 % [10-14,5]
GAMMA: 19 % [12 - 20]
A/G RATIO: 1,45 [1,0 - 1,7]
PSA: 0,6 ng/ml [till 4]__________________________________________________ ___1,23
PSA FREE: 0,23
PSA FREE/TTL: 0,38 [>0,15]
PAP: 1,3 ng/ml [till 3,5]__________________________________________________ _1,5
IGG: 1455 mg/dl [681 - 1648]
IGA: 309 mg/dl [87 - 474]
IGD: 55 u/ml [till 100]
IGM: 101 mg/dl [48 - 312]
IGE (prist): 39,07 iu/ml [1,31 - 165,3]
HIV-Ab (1+2): 0,15 non-react u/cutoff [<0,9]
HCV-Ab: 0,12 non-react u/cutoff [<0,9]
HBS-Ag: 0,35 non-react u/cutoff [<0,9]
HAV-Ab (IgT): >85 react miu/ml [<35]
HAV-Ab (IgM): 0,07 non-react u/cutoff [<0,9]
TAS: 111 ui/ml [0 - 166]
VDRL: negative [negative]
CRP: 2 mg/dl [till 5]
REUMA TEST: <20 iu/ml [<20]
ESR: 6 mm/h [till 15]
LYSOZYME: 9 picog/ml [4 - 13]
ACE: 10 mcg/l [6 - 12]
RAST Egg: 0,1 [<0,3]
RAST Yolk: 0,1 [<0,3]
RAST Crayfish: 0,1 [<0,3]
RAST Yeast: 0,1 [<0,3]
RAST Pork: 0,1 [<0,3]
RAST Fish Mix: 0,1 [<0,3]
RAST Olea Europaea Pollen: 0,1 [<0,3]
VITAMIN A: 630 mcg/l [300-650]
VITAMIN E: 15,6 mg/ltr [5 - 20]
VITAMIN C: 1,1 mg/ml [0,5-1,5]
VITAMIN B12: 697 pg/ml [179 - 1162]
VITAMIN D3: 42 ng/ml [10-45]
VITAMIN H: 85 ng/ml [70-100]
VITAMIN K: 25 mcg/ml [15-30]
VITAMIN PP: 0,7 mg/ml [0,5-0,8]
SODIUM: 143 meq/l [136 - 145]
POTASSIUM: 4,5 meq/l [3,5 - 5,1]
CALCIUM: 9,4 mg/dl [8,5 - 10,1]
MAGNESIUM: 2,1 mg/dl [1,8 - 2,4]
PHOSPHORUS: 3,8 mg/dl [2,7 - 4,5]
IRON: 147 mcg/dl [35 - 150]
ZINC: 101 mcg/dl [80 - 125]
CHLORINE: 105 meq/l [98 - 107]
COPPER: 111 ku/l [76 - 153]
GASTRIN: 32 pg/ml [28-125]
MELATONIN: 55 pg/ml [20 - 85]
C-PEPTIDE: 1,3 ng/ml [0,78 – 1,89]
INSULIN : 3,37 micru/ml [1,9 - 23]
GLUCAGON: 56 pg/ml [40-130]
ACTH: 21 pg/dl [till 50]
CORTISOL: 16,64 mcg/dl [8,7 - 22,4]________________________________________12,45
FT3: 3,47 pg/ml [2,2 - 4,7]________________________________________________3,95
FT4: 1,27 ng/dl [0,8 - 2]__________________________________________________1,62
MSH: 10,5 pmol/l [7,9 - 14,4]
HTG: 9,65 ng/ml [0,0 - 35]
TBG: 21 mcg/ml [15 - 32]
TSH: 4,79 micru/ml [0,34 - 5,6]_____________________________________________2,48
FSH: 4,19 miu/ml [1,27 - 19,26]_____________________________________________0,55
LH: 3,88 miu/ml [1,24 - 8,62]_______________________________________________0,15
PREGNENOLONE: 161 ng/ml [10 - 230]
ANDROSTENEDIONE: 1,89 ng/ml [0,3 - 3,1]
ALDOSTERONE: 155 pg/ml [10 - 160]
DHEA: 7,9 ng/ml [2,5 - 9,5]
DHEAS: 233 mcg/dl [106 - 464]
DHT: 625 pg/ml [250 - 990]________________________________________________1250
TESTOSTERONE TTL: 3,1 ng/ml [1,75 - 7,81]_________________________________44,7
TESTOSTERONE FREE: 15 pg/ml [8 - 47]_____________________________________219,68
SHBG: 37 nmoli/l [13 - 71]_________________________________________________6
ESTRONE: 48 pg/ml [40 - 60]
ESTRADIOL 17-BETA: 34 pg/ml [<20 - 47]____________________________________150
ESTRIOL: 6 pg/ml [4,7 - 7,1]
PROGESTERONE: 0,98 ng/ml [0,14 - 2,06]____________________________________1,41
PRL: 3,4 ng/ml [2,64 - 13,13]______________________________________________15,12
IGF-1: 135 ng/ml [96 - 424]_______________________________________________159
HGH: 0,3 ng/ml [0,0 - 10]
COLOUR: straw-coloured
APPEARANCE: limpid [limpid]
PH REACTION: 5,7 [5 - 6,5]
SPECIFIC WEIGHT: 1021 [1015 - 1028]
PROTEINS: none mg/dl [0,0 - 10]
HEMOGLOBIN: none [none]
GLUCOSE: none gr/litre [0,0 - 0,2]
KETONE BODIES: none [none]
UROBILINOGEN: none mg/dl [0,0 - 0,2]
NITRITE: none [none]
SHAPE: homogeneous [homogeneous]
CONSISTENCY: poltacea[/COLOR] [poltacea]
COLOUR: brown [brown]
ODOUR: sui generis [sui generis]
MUCUS: absent [absent]
BLOOD: absent [absent]
PARASITOLOGICAL: negative [negative]
SALMONELLA: negative [negative]
HELICOBACTER PYLORI: negative [negative]
GIARDIASIS: negative [negative]
VOLUME: 2,9 ml [>= 2]__________________________________________________ __1,8
PH: 7,9 [7,2-8]__________________________________________________ ________8,6
APPEARANCE: own__________________________________________________ _____own
VISCOSITY: within limits [within limits]______________________________________increased +++
FLUIDIFICATION 45': physiologic [physiologic]________________________________irregular
SPERMATOZOON CONCENTRATION: 90.000.000 /ml [>= 20.000.000]______________58.000.000
EJACULATE SPERMATOZOON COUNT: 249.900.000 [>= 40.000.000]______________104.400.000
2ND HOUR MOTILITY: 59 % [>= 50 %]_______________________________________40
TYPICAL MORPHOLOGIC SPERMATOZOON: 36 % [>= 35 %]______________________24
ATYPICAL MORPHOLOGIC SPERMATOZOON: 70 %______________________________76
LEUCOCYTE: 300.000 /ml [<= 1.000.000]____________________________________absent
ERYTHROCYTE: absent [absent/rare]________________________________________absent
GERMINAL CELLS: rare [absent/rare]________________________________________rare
EPITHELIAL CELLS: rare [absent/rare]_______________________________________rare
SPERMAGGLUTINATION ZONES: rare [absent/rare]_____________________________rare
__________________________________Day 1__________Day 8__________Day 15__________Day 22__________Day 29__________Day 36__________Day 43
SYS (mmHg)___________________________119____________119____________123____________119_____________128____________131_____________105
DIA (mmHg)____________________________60_____________50_____________52_____________50______________56_____________51______________42
BPM__________________________________68_____________74_____________68_____________64______________67_____________76______________73Last edited by BJJ; 06-07-2010 at 01:58 AM.
04-22-2010, 03:16 PM #2
Thanks for posting. This is interesting stuff and not very common.
04-22-2010, 03:22 PM #3
this is great stuff. awesome info / log
04-22-2010, 03:43 PM #4
PRL went up a fair bit...
04-22-2010, 03:49 PM #5
04-22-2010, 03:52 PM #6
Yes and I do not understand the reason, I did not take tren !
Anyway, also estradiol did not joke while progesterone kept sleeping... very strange results, I would say.
After this mess, I took 0.25 mg Cabergoline and 12.5 mg Exemestane.
Thinking to run those drugs eod for about a couple of weeks and then take another BW.
Any suggestion?
04-22-2010, 03:54 PM #7
Furthermore, I was expecting erythrocytes and hemoglobin to go on the moon with testosterone while actually they decreased!!!
04-22-2010, 04:17 PM #8
Any compound that aromotases can increase prolactin. Its not just Deca /Tren. Infact, there is no peer-reviewed data supporting progestins raise PRL.
PRL is regulated via estrogen, so using an AI will reduce PRL.
04-22-2010, 04:56 PM #9
Your HDL cholestrol is in bad shape. May be the var. I had the same result (HDL 35) right after pct comming off a cycle back loaded with var. Are you taking any supplements to improve cholesterol? Niacin, etc...
04-23-2010, 01:04 AM #10
You are right yes, I just did not expect such an increase only by using testosterone .
04-23-2010, 01:13 AM #11
It is surely the var but comparing these results with var after 18 days (previous cycle), I see they are better now:
CHOLESTEROL TTL: 168 mg/dl [140 - 220]______________179_________205______________________232________194
CHOLESTEROL VLDL: 33 mg/dl [20 - 40]__________________________________________________ _______________30
CHOLESTEROL LDL: 105 mg/dl [< 150]__________________157_________199_____________________202_________129_____________101
CHOLESTEROL HDL: 41 mg/dl [> 40]____________________13__________11_______________________13__________45
INDEX RISK HDL: 4,1 [till 5]___________________________13,76_______19,2_____________________17,8________4,3
CHOLESTEROL TTL: 156 mg/dl [140 - 220]______________142
CHOLESTEROL VLDL: 35 mg/dl [20 - 40]
CHOLESTEROL LDL: 103 mg/dl [< 150]__________________130
CHOLESTEROL HDL: 35 mg/dl [> 40]____________________12
INDEX RISK HDL: 4,5 [till 5]___________________________11,8
The reason I believe is due to the diet which is a little more clean than before.
To answer your question, I am taking EFA mostly.
04-23-2010, 01:18 AM #12
wow ALT levels are through the roof. maybe anavar is more hepatotoxic then thought?
04-23-2010, 03:18 AM #13
04-28-2010, 05:44 AM #14
Strangely, somatomedin C did not increase at all.
05-03-2010, 12:08 PM #15
05-03-2010, 12:54 PM #16Associate Member
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When you say till YGT and AP is in limit, I recently had my alt levels through the roof... though AP was below the limit. Would I be concerned if my AP was higher rather than lower? My ALT levels were 843 which is extremely high though I was on dbol 25mg/day and the day before I got my blood test I was on a course of using "dexedrine" for 3 days at a high dose, which is an add medication and also an amphetamine. If AP was in the low range, would I base it on the dexadrine and dbol mixed causing the issue? I've been using Lib-52 ever since, been 4 weeks now. I'll take blood work soon.
05-03-2010, 01:53 PM #17
05-11-2010, 06:31 AM #18
Sperm updated
05-11-2010, 09:33 AM #19
Hey guys,
this is really interested however I dont really know how to read this, i never had my blood work taken and I am interested in doing so, is it the red numbers the ones that are important ? what should those numbers be at ?
also i know someone that works at a lab that can get blood test... what would i have to tell them to test for ? like is there a specific word or phrase to get all this tested?
05-11-2010, 01:05 PM #20
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Expired dbol (blue hearts)