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  1. #1
    SomeRandomGuy's Avatar
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    gained 12 to 16 lbs in a week!

    Yeah the dbols really seem to put on the weight. I still take a 30mg ephedra pill (real ephedra BTW) every day just for energy and to keep some bloat off.

    Well I had dieted down to 222, and now I'm 235, the gym scale read 242? Crap.

    I started eating 3 gainers a day (true mass) along with pounds of steak, fish, chicken, eggs and oatmeal. I also drink more whey too. So I eat an astronomical amount of protein. Also I take glutamine and drink lots of nonfat milk and cottage cheese.

    Not taking any creatine, should I be? Or wait till pct time? I'm taking .3-.5 arimidex just to maybe fix the bloat.
    I work out 5 days a week. Should I be doing more cardio?
    Should I take creatine to help with atp energy and recovery? It does work miracles for me. I wanna be able to rock 135-150 barbell curls for easy 10 reps and do 405 bench for 10 too. And 500 for 10 on squat and deadlift. And 315 for ten, no make it 405 for ten military press.

  2. #2
    SilverTest's Avatar
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    well its a bitch that you will loose A LOT of that weight you put on when you stop those dbols, by the way, nobody knowledgeable about AAS will ever take a dbol only cycle.

    a true cycle for first timer is test, test and then some more test.

    by the way, watch your blood pressure dude.

  3. #3
    SomeRandomGuy's Avatar
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    I am just taking the dbols as a kicker for my 600mg a week test e cycle. It has only been 1 week 2 days. So just the effects I'm getting from the dbols is pretty cool. I will only take them for 3 maybe 4 weeks, then continue test for 10 weeks maybe 12. Then pct and time off = time on. One day I'll be brave enough to risk my hpta for slingshot cycle. Sounds cool and effective, but maybe raisin nuts for life too. Although Arnold never quit, he bridged for years, and he's got kids now. They don't look mutant, either...

  4. #4
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    That's about 99.999999% water. When you stop taking the dbol you'll lose the water.

  5. #5
    SomeRandomGuy's Avatar
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    I've taken creatine for 15 years so I know about filling muscle bellies with water. Dbols seem very similar, but better by far imo. Yeah it's just temp water weight, but it helps me lift and recover. The test e is also known to have a water retaining effect, but it'll be better density wise than dbol ? Muscles are what; 75% water anyway. After the cycle and pct are over I hope I keep some gains, but I subscribe to the school of thought that you only keep what your natural test can support. At least I'll be jacked two or three times out of the year.

  6. #6
    dec11's Avatar
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    u sure your scales arent bust? that seems alot even for water in tht space of time

  7. #7
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    That's about 99.999999% water. When you stop taking the dbol you'll lose the water.
    YEP!.. the human body retains about a 4:1 ratio of Water to Glycogen meaning if you take in a large amount of carbs. you retain about 4x that in water weight..

    if i deplete (i.e. drop sodium down to nothing n' reduce my carb intake to null) for about a week then carb load up on good salty asian food.. i can put on 20-30lbs easy in water.. yep.. hypertension is my best friend btw

    btw an average person can holda bout 2-2.5lbs of glycogen which is like a total of 10-12lbs of "water weight" a person w/ alot of muscle can retain a MUCH MUCH Greater amount of glycogen thus they will also have a greater volume of water retention..

  8. #8
    SomeRandomGuy's Avatar
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    No, I really do fluxuate that greatly. It's nothing new. That's interesting about the 4:1 ratio between glycogen and water retention. Carbs are my best friend and also my worst bloated enemy. It's tough when dieting to know when you're losing fat, water, or even worse, muscle. Then when you start eating carbs and getting stronger, you start to look like shit after a few days. I can do all the cardio I want and lower calories, but it won't do anything if I eat tons of carbs. Carbs seem to be the catch 22 that ****s me regardless. Can't lift without, can't get lean with.

  9. #9
    Kiki's Avatar
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    Can't lift without, can't get lean with.
    I disagree, I think it's based on how sensitive each individual is with carbs, the amount of cardio they do and how much physical activity during the day.

    Me, I can eat around 200grams give or take of carbs per day on a diet which is around my maintenance level more or less, and still lose weight. But I do am cardio, and PWO cardio along with heavy training and abs every other day or so, but then again this was with the use of clen and i'm currently cycling.

  10. #10
    c-Z's Avatar
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    ^^^^ Well said mate.... I hate the fact most think carbs are not important.... I can lean like you said with high carbs still... For someone sitting on there ass at work all day sure they probably don't need the carbs. But for some of us who work more high intense labor jobs, yeah carbs are our friend.

  11. #11
    gymnerd's Avatar
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    I am very sensative to carbs I need low carbs to really lean out nothing else seems to work for me. If I eat more I just have to spend that much more time doing cardio to burn them off. It tottaly sucks because I feel like shit all the time.

  12. #12
    6ft5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by c-Z View Post
    ^^^^ Well said mate.... I hate the fact most think carbs are not important.... I can lean like you said with high carbs still... For someone sitting on there ass at work all day sure they probably don't need the carbs. But for some of us who work more high intense labor jobs, yeah carbs are our friend.
    Absolutly. If I don't eat carbs I will die or not get outa bed. The thing with controlling water is a constant intake of slow carbs so you can maintain water and energy at a constant level. And tweeking it with cardio and dieretics. People who jack there diets sidways and spike insulin in the wrong ways sometimes end up as a diebetic.

  13. #13
    vishus's Avatar
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    good luck with the cycle bro
    Last edited by vishus; 04-24-2010 at 04:40 PM.

  14. #14
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    as far as carbs go.. it still boils down to your totall cals in vs cals out.. as well as trying to control your blood glucose levels

  15. #15
    SomeRandomGuy's Avatar
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    Thx for the input. I am very sensitive to carbs, but also really need them to lift and recover. I know it should be total cals in/out, but it seems like carbs make me store so much water it looks like fat. I can use ephedra to dieuretically keep it off from day to day, but I fear it's just not healthy. I haven't taken any for 2 days and I think I'm withdrawing. Sucks. Bout ready to just pitch the dbols and wait for the test to kick in. I hate water retention. It has been 1 week, 5 days since I started. Still got some time before feeling the 600mg/wk test e? I'll keep pumping iron and try to step the cardio up a notch. 40-60 a day or so. That plus lift 5 days a week for about an hour or so... somehow I still don't look like Arnold.

  16. #16
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa View Post
    YEP!.. the human body retains about a 4:1 ratio of Water to Glycogen meaning if you take in a large amount of carbs. you retain about 4x that in water weight..

    if i deplete (i.e. drop sodium down to nothing n' reduce my carb intake to null) for about a week then carb load up on good salty asian food.. i can put on 20-30lbs easy in water.. yep.. hypertension is my best friend btw

    btw an average person can holda bout 2-2.5lbs of glycogen which is like a total of 10-12lbs of "water weight" a person w/ alot of muscle can retain a MUCH MUCH Greater amount of glycogen thus they will also have a greater volume of water retention..
    thats some damn good info, never had it explained like that before

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