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  1. #1
    alecdj is offline New Member
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    which to try for first cycle

    ok, so i'm not new to lifting, but this steroid stuff is kinda confusing... i'm 22, 5'11", 205lb, and i eat about 3000 claories a day (high protein, carbs.. almost no fat or cholesterol, no fastfood.) I've eaten that way most of my life, and now i'm looking to bulk up without damaging my liver too bad or getting gyno (already got man boobs!) I workout moderately (less than 10 reps, 65-85% of max) mostly on my upper body, for 3 days a week. I try to focus on bench, but my max isn't what it was in high school, and i'd like to get it up from 270 (don't laugh!) to above 300 within the next month. for my first cycle i'd like to run only one steroid (have a limited budget), preferably for a short cycle, and it really has to be oral (i just can't handle needles.) I've read up on here, and know peoples opinion of injectable vs oral, but would like some help...

  2. #2
    AlphaGenetics's Avatar
    AlphaGenetics is offline Senior Member
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    Most members here wont advise you on orals. There bad for you and not that effective. If your gonna do it, do it right, or dont do it at all. JMO

  3. #3
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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  5. #5
    alecdj is offline New Member
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    ok, so if it were possible for me to use the injectables (read about users who have had someone hold them down), then what would be the best to use? my main worry is that whatever i gain will be just water, and thta i'd lose it as quickly as i gained it... besides the roids what else would i need (was looking at the needles section of ar-r , and there was a lot of stuff)

  6. #6
    Noles12's Avatar
    Noles12 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You need to spend a lot more time researching before you consider doing anything.

    You need to understand what you are putting in your body. You are a lot more likely to lose all your gains with orals than a simple test cycle.

    Do you know what a PCT is?

  7. #7
    alecdj is offline New Member
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    i know a pct is the stuff u take after the cycle to regulate hormones, and i understand what id be putting into my body, i just need some pointers on how to go about doing it. could i run a good short cycle (like 4 weeks)w/ pct all for around $100? for that could i run a non-aromatizing steroid (then i may be able to take it alone, because estrogen wouldn't go up, righ?)

  8. #8
    alecdj is offline New Member
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    btw, i've read that a single cycle of test is redcommended for the first time, could it be run in a 4 week cycle and injected twice a week? (would want to use the needle as little as possible)... if so, then what else would need to be taken during the cycle?

  9. #9
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
    Knockout_Power is offline "Even sexier than Siggy"
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    4 weeks is a waste of time. read the profiles section and you will understand why 4 weejs wont do anything for you. If you want to pin as little as possible, you will need a longer ester test which wont even start working well until week 4-5. Thats why the beginner cycles are 10-12 weeks of just test.

  10. #10
    Tyler694 is offline Associate Member
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    Yep. x2 @ 10-12 test only cycle.

  11. #11
    Matt's Avatar
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    Whats your bf% ?????

  12. #12
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    Quote Originally Posted by alecdj View Post
    btw, i've read that a single cycle of test is redcommended for the first time, could it be run in a 4 week cycle and injected twice a week? (would want to use the needle as little as possible)... if so, then what else would need to be taken during the cycle?
    You obviously have not done very much research considering the questions you've asked.

    "I workout moderately (less than 10 reps, 65-85% of max) mostly on my upper body, for 3 days a week. I try to focus on bench, but my max isn't what it was in high school, and i'd like to get it up from 270 (don't laugh!) to above 300 within the next month. "

    It takes a long time to build quality muscle and a quality physique with or without steroids . It's advised that you reach or come close to reaching your natural potential before you consider steriods . I can tell by the way you've described your training that you don't even have a good training comprehension yet. You don't even work your legs?? Steroids are not a quick fix. Spend a couple of years learning how to train and diet for mass. Then if you haven't met your goals start researching steroids. You're not even close to being ready yet.

  13. #13
    tubs is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    You obviously have not done very much research considering the questions you've asked.

    "I workout moderately (less than 10 reps, 65-85% of max) mostly on my upper body, for 3 days a week. I try to focus on bench, but my max isn't what it was in high school, and i'd like to get it up from 270 (don't laugh!) to above 300 within the next month. "

    It takes a long time to build quality muscle and a quality physique with or without steroids. It's advised that you reach or come close to reaching your natural potential before you consider steriods. I can tell by the way you've described your training that you don't even have a good training comprehension yet. You don't even work your legs?? Steroids are not a quick fix. Spend a couple of years learning how to train and diet for mass. Then if you haven't met your goals start researching steroids. You're not even close to being ready yet.
    I respect your opinion but i think there may be a deeper issue here - his max bench has gone down over the years.
    With muscle memory and working out it should be at least the same or higher. my guess (and it is just a guess) is that your natty test levels are reduced and that is why your bench has gone down. If i were you I would go to a doc and get a blood test and see where your natural test levels are before you do anything.
    Last edited by tubs; 04-25-2010 at 09:29 AM.

  14. #14
    alecdj is offline New Member
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    my workout usually consists of 8 reps on 65% (2 sets), 4 reps on 75-85% (2sets), and 2 reps on 85-95%, while i max out about twice a month. i do this for deadlift, squat, and bench, mixed in with dummbell flyes, incline, decline dumbel press, militiary bench, curls, shruggs, but as far as my legs go, i just do sets of squats. i'm looking for a quick fix to my bench, it's not been going up for a while, and if i hit the 300 mark again, it would give me a lot of confidence. is there a simple cycle that would give me this gain? (i'm not asking to pack on like 20lbs of muscle or anything)

  15. #15
    alecdj is offline New Member
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    also, for those wondering, my body fat percentage is... "Using your measurements of a 36 inches waist and weight of 205 pounds your body fat percentage is estimated to be 20.70 % using the U.S. Navy body fat formula, or 16.67 % using the formula developed by the YMCA..." (found it on health

  16. #16
    c-Z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alecdj View Post
    also, for those wondering, my body fat percentage is... "Using your measurements of a 36 inches waist and weight of 205 pounds your body fat percentage is estimated to be 20.70 % using the U.S. Navy body fat formula, or 16.67 % using the formula developed by the YMCA..." (found it on health
    Now how accurate do you think something like that is? Considering everyone carries weight differently?

    OP.... If you are afraid of needles... Then your looking into the wrong stuff.

  17. #17
    Bossman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tubs View Post
    I respect your opinion but i think there may be a deeper issue here - his max bench has gone down over the years.
    With muscle memory and working out it should be at least the same or higher. my guess (and it is just a guess) is that your natty test levels are reduced and that is why your bench has gone down. If i were you I would go to a doc and get a blood test and see where your natural test levels are before you do anything.
    He's 22, and I can tell by the questions he asked, most likely not cycled. I doubt his test is low. He's all over the place with his training and diet. That's where he needs work.

  18. #18
    nyspqr's Avatar
    nyspqr is offline Associate Member
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    My first cycle was just plain old test. Loved it, got awesome gains. My 2 cents would be just stick with test only, with a good pct. Then after some time off, look into something more fancier.

  19. #19
    Kiki's Avatar
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    if you use an oral like bdol, which will give you huge strength gain fast, you'll most likely lose all the strength and water gained after you stop using it, which is why oral only cycles are not good.

  20. #20
    Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    He's 22, and I can tell by the questions he asked, most likely not cycled. I doubt his test is low. He's all over the place with his training and diet. That's where he needs work.
    X2, ill bet all the money in the world that if he had a blood test his testosterone levels would be normal to high....

  21. #21
    tubs is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    X2, ill bet all the money in the world that if he had a blood test his testosterone levels would be normal to high....
    seems like a good place to start. It seems really odd to me that his bench has gone down but maybe he is not pushing himself - only he knows answer

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