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Thread: how to lose weight with steroids?

  1. #1

    how to lose weight with steroids?

    Hey all, this might seem like a very immature question but i need this to be answered, hence why im asking this. I just recently bought Turinabol by Svensk Apotek, theyre 20mg/50capsules. i am new to doing steroids and im only 16 years old. i am currently 5'7'' and i weigh approximately 181lbs. i was thinking of starting my cycle on tbol by taking 20mg a day for a week, then upping the dose to 40mg a day for the rest of the cycle. i was wondering if tbol will help me lose some of my weight aswell. i am a bit chubby in the stomach and was wondering if i do about 30 minutes of cardio everyday before or after workouts and do frequent ab excercises 4 times a week with the tbol if it will help me lose the stomach and turn it into abs or something skinnier than what i have now. also, how should i diet? should i only have 3 meals a day? and what should be consisted in those meals? ive been meaning to get this question answered for a while now.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Tim 'er and Rim 'er
    U r not going to like it but u r toooooo young to even think about AAS. u havent reach the peak yet believe me when ur testostrone production kicks in high gear u will loose weight. Cardio, cardio and diet will help u loose weight. u should have asked before spending any AAS till u r 23 yrs old. again as i said u wont like it but lets see what other experience member say about this

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Starbuck Em' and Fvck Em'
    Ixnay on the ab workouts. Theyre not needed just yet in your case. you cant spot train to get rid of fat. DO stick to the cardoi every day and have a healthy diet. although if you do end up doing ab excersises, when you lose that fat they will be better than if you didnt. If your goal now is to just slim down, theres no ab workouts needed. Do yourself a favor and dont do that gear you bought.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Starbuck Em' and Fvck Em'
    Ixnay on the ab workouts. Theyre not needed just yet in your case. you cant spot train to get rid of fat. DO stick to the cardoi every day and have a healthy diet. although if you do end up doing ab excersises, when you lose that fat they will be better than if you didnt. If your goal now is to just slim down, theres no ab workouts needed. Do yourself a favor and dont do that gear you bought.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
    who the **** are the people selling 16 year old kids juice..... jesus

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    You are to young for any type of aas!!! you will run the risk of messing yourself up,your endo system is still developing!all you need to do is eat better/healthier and dedicate a little time to training, you are at the age and will be for a few years where your hormone levels will be optimal so take advantage of it dont destroy it,go and read all the info you can in the diet forum and again please for your sake no aas.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by j4ever41 View Post
    You are to young for any type of aas!!! you will run the risk of messing yourself up,your endo system is still developing!all you need to do is eat better/healthier and dedicate a little time to training, you are at the age and will be for a few years where your hormone levels will be optimal so take advantage of it dont destroy it,go and read all the info you can in the diet forum and again please for your sake no aas.
    Please listen to this

  8. #8
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
    Join Date
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    your even too young to be on here, its for over 18's, your profile will be banned

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Anytown USA
    taking steroids at 16 years old is a horrible idea.. especially if you are taking it with the asumption it is going to lean you out and give you a shredded look! If you ask, most of the guys on here credit 80+% of cutting up or getting that "hard" look to diet. not steroids. Usually only people who are quite ripped and just can not lose that last 3-5% BF are steroids used for cutting! But never at 16 for cutting. 99% of the people your age who are (pardon me) stupid enough to risk screwing up their entire system are ones who think they have tried everything to gain weight and cant. not somone who has the size! Just do cardio and eat right and b4 u know it, you will have that stomach you want! It is all about hard work plain and simple!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    do a little research! aas has been linked to growth plates closing prematurely. at 16 its not unheard of to put on 8-12 inches of height! just clean up ur diet, hit the treadmill, and continue to lift hard! and get ur money back for the stuff u bought!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by edmen2 View Post
    do a little research! aas has been linked to growth plates closing prematurely. at 16 its not unheard of to put on 8-12 inches of height! just clean up ur diet, hit the treadmill, and continue to lift hard! and get ur money back for the stuff u bought!
    x2 !!!

    You're a testosterone producing machine at 16...get in teh gym and lift hard! Proper diet and training will do a LOT more for you right now. Figure that out first.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Tip Toein on Hells border
    Dude, concentrate on things that a 16 year old should. Defensive driving, passing math tests, if that chic you think is hot likes you, if you could bang your homeroom teacher, who you can get to pull a "hey buddy" with to get beer....shit man! You dont need to worry about AAS for another decade! Now that I have said that, I'll go ahead and report you to the admin for being too young. Consider this my little shove in the right direction........bye now.
    Last edited by Spartan ^; 04-27-2010 at 02:54 PM. Reason: spelling like a 16 year old......

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    South Shore MA US
    diet cardio and a few years to mature definately don't won't to do roids that young, you can naturally lose if you hit the gym hard and have a strict diet.

  14. #14
    so before i had read this, i had taken 20mg on tuesday,wednesday,and today. after reading your helpful posts, i will be putting away the enchancements for many years, maybe forever. i learned a lot about how it can destory my system and how i can gain muscle and lose fat from just my testosterone. but for my training, should i be lifting heavy weight less reps or lower weight and 10-12 reps if i want to lose my body fat..more specifically my stomach? as far as diets go, ive been tryng the best i can by eating healthy sandwiches and more fruits, but i still only eat 3 meals a day because i think that if i have around 6 meals, it's a little too much for my weight..... right? :S

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    good news and good decision! why dont you post your workout and workout questions in the workout forum you will get more response there, also check out the diet forum and read the stickies there, 5-6 meals a day will benefit you but we are talking more in the lines of 400 cal meals not where you are stuffing yourself far as working out i like 10-12 reps for muscle development and sometimes i go down to 8 reps,you need to use good form and dont be sloppy.

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