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Thread: just got orawin 25

  1. #1

    just got orawin 25

    just got my winni in, it's orawin 25. came in a tall dark blue bottle. i have never taken any oral steroid at all. it's liquid based, and tips on how i should take it, i plan to just take a shot of 50/ml every other day, but i was thinking about mixing it with something. will that effect the potency at all?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    How about testosterone...


    Cycle history
    Years training?????

  3. #3
    i would like to stack it but my options are limited at the moment

    my stats are

    weight: 185
    bf% is unknow
    for my first cycle i took straight tes, then my second cycle i took test and stacked it with deca.
    i have been training since i was fourteen years old. i do race, so i have been in a physically demanding sport since i was five.

  4. #4
    Hello apologies... I have just heard good stuff on the orawin25... Thanks for ur reply
    Last edited by conpablo74; 02-09-2011 at 01:44 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    No Sources Given
    Oh boy this thread is going down hill fast...

    conpablo, You are not allowed to ask people where they got their steroids on the board, please edit your post.


    You are too young to use steroids Marcus has written some good information on this maybe he will post a link for you to help explain the dangers of using steroids at your age.

    Here it is,
    Last edited by Far from massive; 01-18-2011 at 09:12 AM.

  6. #6
    Hello apologies... I have just heard good stuff on the orawin25... Thanks for ur reply

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