My name is Andrew, I am 20 years old and in desperate need of a makeover. I recently purchased a home gym to work myself out with and for years have done messy weight gainers and protein shakes. I have a high metabolic rate and heard that steroids would gain me the weight regardless of how fast my metabolic rate was. I am fully aware of the risks involved and the side effects that I may encounter, however my ribs stick out and that's nearly enough motivation as it is. I am 5'10" 140 lbs soaking wet and I don't want to live like that anymore. I am training to be a Pro Wrestler and I need some more weight quick. Everytime I try some new supplement that tries and fails to provide me with results, another one pops up that I get interested in. I guess maybe I need guidance but don't know where to turn. I don't want to be as huge as Triple H or as massive as Scott Steiner or Brock Lesnar. A size of about 237 like Shawn Michaels maybe or even Kurt Angle. My ideal weight is only 166 but if we all followed our ideal weight then we'd probably be a whole lot healthier. I am simply looking for some advice, where and why a doctor would prescribe me steroids, how I could get them from a doctor and what kind of things are steroids typically prescribed for? I need some guidance in bulking up not for personal appearence but for self esteem purposes. I admire the men and women who enter competitions but that's not my thing and it's not what I was born to do. If anyone out there can help, it would be greatly appreciated to have a response.