height: 6'0
gym expierence:2 years
diet:230g protein atleast with 5 meals a day around 2800-3500 cals
I have 300mg/ml test e. 10mlx2, clomid, nolva, armadex
My question is should i do:
-600mg per week for 10 weeks -or-
-500mg per week for 12 weeks
My goal is to retain the mass I have and lose bf, during this i will start doin clen/t3 2 weeks on 2 weeks off:
clen:40-120 then ramp down
t3:20-60 then ramp down
pct:nolva 40/20/20/20
comments/criticisms encouraged!
ps(ive been researching all these drugs for atleast 8 months before i decided to pin)
allthough a gym buddy recommends pining winny at the end...yay or nay?