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Thread: Hcg gyno question!!!

  1. #1

    Hcg gyno question!!!

    Whats up guys. The last cycle I ran was a 500 Test Ent & Tbol Cycle. I will be doing another one. I do the blast/cruise thing but only blast once a year. I just started running HCG at 500iu twice a week (one pin the day before each 250mg Test Ent shot - so Sunday & Wednesday would be HCG) I currently run 12.5mg of Aromasin ED and since I have started the HCG I am developing pseudogyno. No pea sized lumps at all, but a fat accumulation that is noticeable. My question is....would there be any benefit in running Nolva along with the Aromasin? I only plan on using HCG for three weeks then off for three then back on for three. I don't want to overdue it. Any constructive input is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    nolva with your ai might be a bit of a hand break vs the break peddle

    have you tried upping the ai dose

    im gonna let some guys who know wuts up pitch in


  3. #3
    I like that analogy. I will up the AI but at this point I will make a deal with the devil himself to stop this from happening. Aromasin, Arm, Nolva, whatever it takes!

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