I have ran many cycles close to this but never like this
12wk cutting cycle
each week
500mg test enanthate
500mg EQ
75mg tren acetate EOD
100mg winstrol EOD
Arimidex .05 EOD
clen 2wks on 2wks off replace with benedrly
Any Concerns
I have ran many cycles close to this but never like this
12wk cutting cycle
each week
500mg test enanthate
500mg EQ
75mg tren acetate EOD
100mg winstrol EOD
Arimidex .05 EOD
clen 2wks on 2wks off replace with benedrly
Any Concerns
I think thats the biggest waste of gear...
not good not well planned out you need to do some more research bro,
we are here to help...
Provide us with the lengths that you're going to be running each of the compounds for. That will allow us to help you more effectively.
Also, provide us with your stats... age/weight/height/exact cycle experience/PCT knowledge
Some things to consider: winstrol IMO should be run ED. rather then 100mg/eod you should just stick to 50mg/ed.
Hope that helps,
..and why winny at such a high dosage for so long?Originally Posted by Erwin;516***1
No prolactin antagonist on hand either?
Years training
tren test Eq the same doses just not with winnyOriginally Posted by Erwin;516***1
i ran winny with same as above 1 time maybe 3 wks because i got screwed on order
Age 48 competing 8yrs 5'8" 180 10%bf i have a show in 7wks and then 3 wks later another oneOriginally Posted by Vitruvian-Man;516***9
test and eq 16wks
tren and winny 10wks
arimidex 10wks
\pct clomid and nolva i have good info on pct
where am i wasting gear i know something with componds are off but my results are clearly showing i get very hard
The cycle isn't rubbish or anything bro. All I said was that you should be taking winstrol EACH DAY rather then just doubling the dose and taking it every 2nd day.
Other then that the cycle looks fine.
I wouldn't run winstrol for 10 weeks. That's going to be harsh, and your joints aren't going to forgive you. (LOL) little exaggeration there, but you get the idea.
~6 weeks is probably the max I would stay on winstrol.
Finally, I might bump to EQ to 14 weeks rather then just 12 (keep the test till week 16). This is because EQ has one of the longest esters, so it takes FOREVER to get the 'results' from it.
Hope that helps, good luck with the rest of your cycle.
Keep us updated in the over 40 forum of this site if you've got the time.
lol i dont know if its not the combo making great results
i have ran 75 a day tren a couple of cycles got hard as a brick
i will take vitruvian mans advise on 6 week cycle winny i was told by others about joint pain
i will also go back to pinning 75 tren ed i was a little scared with everything else but i can only benefit at this stage
thanks guys
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