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Thread: Steroid Dosage, taking into account Blood Volume

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Steroid Dosage, taking into account Blood Volume

    When you get your blood taken to test your Testosterone level, they typically give you the answer in nanograms per decilitre.

    What they're doing is taking a certain volume of your blood (let's say 1cc of blood), and testing how much Testosterone is present in that 1cc of blood. They're testing the concentration of Testosterone in your blood.

    Anyway, this got me to thinking about something. I think it would be possible for a 6'4" guy to have twice as much blood as a 5'3" guy (or at least significantly more).

    When people ask for advice about their first cycle, many respond with:
    Go with Test E on its own, 500mg per week.

    But if a 5'3" guy is injecting 500mg per week... would it be as if a 6'4" guy is injecting 1 gram? I'm being serious in saying that.

    The whole point of injecting Testosterone is to raise your Testosterone blood concentration to a certain level. Given this, it seems to me that the ultimate deciding factor in deciding your dosage should be what is the total volume of blood in your body?

    I just wanted to bring this topic up because I've never heard anyone talk about it.

    Also... it makes me think of one other thing... if you went to donate a pint of blood before injecting Testosterone, then you'd end up with a higher Testosterone blood concentration than if you hadn't donated blood.
    Last edited by KimboHalfSlice; 05-01-2010 at 09:53 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Any opinions on this one?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    According to:

    "Cameron, John R.; James G. Skofronick & Roderick M. Grant. Physics of the Body. Second Edition. Madison, WI: Medical Physics Publishing, 1999: 182."

    A 160lb male has about 5 quarts of blood. If you live in a high altitude zone you could have as much as 1.8 quart more blood than the average person. Who's the "average" person anyways? Body fat, body metabolism, age, height, etc. So without going to the Dr. and getting an accurate measurement of your capacity to tolerate AAS, we make a general assumption of the "average" man. You're right about a bigger guy can ingest more AAS. But unless you're being cared for by a physician it's probably a good rule of thumb to stick with the "average" dosages.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    I've got a 10cc syringe... I'm gonna pull all my blood out and put it in a graduated cylinder, then get somebody to shoot it all back into me.

    If they can get all the blood back into me within 3 minutes then I won't die. FACT

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