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Thread: 15 week on cycle is too much ?

  1. #1

    15 week on cycle is too much ?

    Hi i start my first cycle 3 week ago. it was supose to be a 10 week cycle.

    Test 400 for 10 week.
    Test propionate for the 5 first week, and deca for the 5 last week. BUT!

    My question is can i do anoter 5 week winstrol right after, or is it better to take winstrol instead of deca for the last 5 week ? like

    Test 400 for 10 week.
    Test propionate for the 5 first week, and winstrol for the 5 last week.

    thank you very much, and sorry for my bad english.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Your cycle needs help imo.

  3. #3
    can u help me ?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    deep,very deep (maryland)
    do not run winni or deca with out test also and i think it is not uncommon to run 15 week cycles as long as you keep that test in there. is your goal to gain uscle or loose fat? or what?

  5. #5
    My goal is to gain lean muscle. Im not fat but i would like to lose a little bit of fat. im 6'3 -245pound - and sadly im not sure of my bodyfat but i will check that this week. But my main goal is to stay very safe and to do my cycle the good way for my body.

    can i do
    All cycle test 400 (15week)
    First 5 week test prop
    Middle 5 week deca
    Last 5 week winstrol

    so i will have my test for the deca and the winstrol. Or is it too much for my first cycle ?

    Thank you!!!
    Last edited by Max Power 007; 05-02-2010 at 08:38 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    deep,very deep (maryland)
    i would increase the test to 500 and drop the winni it does not fit your goals you could even run the deca for the first ten weeks and run the test for like 12 would be best you really dont need to be on test that long... perfect cycle i would say for you

    test 500 ten weeks
    deca 400 first 8 weeks you will be able to gain muscle and loose fat longer then this and you dont gain as much with out increaseing your dose

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008
    The cycle is very poor. You should have a cycle that is more structured. You also have to have a better understanding of the compounds that your using. Test 400? What is it? Cyponaite or Enathanate?

    I know that the propinate is to front load it and get it started. Let me tell you though that I did that to a virgin muscle also. Could not sit for days. Enjoy it. I dont think its a good idea.

    I would not stack anything during the first cycle. Keep it simple. If anything 12 weeks is the max. Test Enathenate 500mg/week. Focus on your diet. I gained 12lb of lean muscle on my first. Would love to get that from a cycle now of just test. Your body is going to have a great reaction from the test. Btw I hope your not young. Do it natural for now.

  8. #8
    Test 400 is a blend of diferent testosterone (Testosterone Propionate, Cypionate and Enanthate). and i already start 3 week ago but i only took 1cc of test 400 a week, and 2 cc of test prop a week. and ur dam right the injection is painfull and leave bump on my ass for a week i guess it because my muscle is virgin like u say. and i am 23yeard old.
    Last edited by Max Power 007; 05-02-2010 at 09:05 PM.

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