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  1. #1
    jaygunzz is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Letro + Dermacrine + Havoc Cycle?

    Hey all just wanted to say I'm new to the forums and I'll be looking forward to discussing my cycles and getting advice from more knowledgeable people than myself.

    I'm going to be running letro to get rid of some pre existing gyno i got a while back. i've previously done a cycle of havoc but didn't finish because i injured myself and stayed away from the weights for a few weeks. anyway i've got about half a bottle leftover of dermacrine from pp and about half a bottle of havoc and was wondering whether running these would be beneficial to battling my gyno. i know it's gyno because they are hard lumps behind the nipple area. its making my chest look pointy and i need to get rid of them. I also want to run havoc and dermacrine while running letro so i can make some good gains as I am cutting up and know that havoc is great for cutting and so is letro.

    I was thinking I'd do something like this:
    Taper up the letro to about 2.5mg by end of week 1
    After week one of letro only, throw in havoc 20mg and 4 pumps dermacrine
    i have 530mg of havoc leftover and probably 2-3 weeks of dermacrine leftover. It would look like this:

    Week 1: Day 1-.625 mg letro
    Day 2-.625 mg letro
    Day 3-1.25 mg letro
    Day 4-1.875 mg letro
    Day 5-1.875 mg letro
    Day 6- 2.5mg letro
    Day 7-2.5mg letro

    Week 2: 2.5mg Letro ed
    4 pumps Dermacrine ed
    20 mg RPN's Havoc ed
    1,875mg Higher Power Tribulus Terrestris ed

    Week 3: 2.5mg letro ed
    4 pumps Dermacrine ed
    20 mg RPN's Havoc ed
    1,875mg Higher Power Tribulus Terrestris ed

    Week 4: 2.5mg letro ed
    4 pumps Dermacrine ed
    20mg Havoc ed
    1,875mg Tribulus ed

    Week 5: 2.5mg letro ed
    20mg Havoc ed (5 days left)
    1,875mg Tribulus ed

    Week 6: Taper off the letro as I tapered up in week 1.
    1,875mg Tribulus ed

    Week 7: 20mg Nolva
    Start TRS Stack from Primordial Performance

    Week 8: 10mg Nolva
    Continue on with the TRS Stack through weeks until its finished.

    What do you guys think?

    should i run the 3 or should i run the letro alone to try to reduce some gyno?

  2. #2
    jaygunzz is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Last edited by jaygunzz; 05-03-2010 at 07:51 PM.

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