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Thread: Week 6 - Gained Great Size Ready to Cut

  1. #1

    Week 6 - Gained Great Size Ready to Cut

    I am 29 yrs old. 5'11" 185 lbs. Body Fat is about 1112%. Injecting doesnt bother me. I really didnt have any sides from my first three cycles. I did get noticeably bigger and extremely cut from Test E and Tren A in my third cycle. I did the proper clomid PCT. I kept almost all of the gains and have now finished 16 weeks off of everything (still working out though)

    I am now in the 6th week of a 12 week cycle. I have gained almost 12 lbs since day 1.

    I eat as much as possible. But this is my daily intake (it sucks)

    5 am 6 eggs with 2 cups of fruit
    10 am 1.5 grilled chicken breast plain, 6 oz steak & protein shake
    12:00 typical lunch
    1 pm 1.5 chicken breast, 6 oz steak cottage cheese, peanut butter sandwich
    4 pm 8 oz tuna packet
    5:30 pm and pre-workout drink
    6 pm Intra workout drink
    7:30 Whey Protein Shake
    8 pm steak, mashed potatoes, etc
    Cassein Protein shake right before bed

    my cycle is:

    Test E 250mg every 3.5 days weeks 1-12
    Tren A 100 Mg every other day weeks 6-12
    Winny 50 mg every day weeks 6-12
    Clomid 900 mg every day week 13, 550 mg week 14, and 350 mg week 15.

    It necessary to use Winny? I have Aromasin and HCG on hand. What are the signs i should take either? I also have cephalexin on had just in case of injection infection.

    I am trying to get SUPER Cut and Jacked. I have put on decent size in the first 6 weeks and now am going to cut away the fat.

    Since i am going to be injecting every day should i rotate away from my ass? and should I continue Test E for another 2 weeks after week 12 or just end complete cycle after week 12?

    Please no bitching i am seriously asking for great advice. That is why we are all here.
    Your help is greatly appreciated!

  2. #2
    sorry body fat is 11-12%

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by focus1234 View Post
    sorry body fat is 11-12%
    Lol! I was gona say u shoulda lowered bf before cycle.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I don't know much about hcg protocal. Exept I'd prob run test 2wks past. Other than that.. Last 3 wks 500iu hcg eod? Are u using an AI in the last weeks?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    I would keep the winny from weeks 8 to 12 as 6 weeks would not justify the toxicity mate being its a 17aa compound

  6. #6
    I was also thinking about doing week 13 and 14 of test to finish off cycle. Does anyone agree with the winny only being 4 weeks instead of 6?

    I was hoping to get more responses. Thanks to those who have so far!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Big Apple
    Just a suggestion I would move the potato to the beginning of the day as opposed to the end.I would also add some slow burning oats in the AM, evn a small amt.

    Also be careful, fruitshave aton of sugar so be sure not to go crazy.

    I'm no expert but that's just my opinion.
    Good luck and keep us posted!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Big Apple
    I wouldn't extend the cycle as some say that progress stalls after
    8-10 weeks and in order to keep gaining one would have to increase test dosing ==more sides...I would stay at 12 weeks.
    I'm doing 60mgs of winny per day for 6 weeks and drinking a crazy amt of water and taking a liver support supp along with it.

  9. #9
    Is 60 mg of winny pushing the limit? I am thrilled with your advice but was told not to exceed 50 mg per day.

    Thanks for the diet advice. I have slowed down on the fruit because of the sugar.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by focus1234 View Post
    I am 29 yrs old. 5'11" 185 lbs. Body Fat is about 1112%. Injecting doesnt bother me. I really didnt have any sides from my first three cycles. I did get noticeably bigger and extremely cut from Test E and Tren A in my third cycle. I did the proper clomid PCT. I kept almost all of the gains and have now finished 16 weeks off of everything (still working out though)

    I am now in the 6th week of a 12 week cycle. I have gained almost 12 lbs since day 1.

    I eat as much as possible. But this is my daily intake (it sucks)

    5 am 6 eggs with 2 cups of fruit
    10 am 1.5 grilled chicken breast plain, 6 oz steak & protein shake
    12:00 typical lunch
    1 pm 1.5 chicken breast, 6 oz steak cottage cheese, peanut butter sandwich
    4 pm 8 oz tuna packet
    5:30 pm and pre-workout drink
    6 pm Intra workout drink
    7:30 Whey Protein Shake
    8 pm steak, mashed potatoes, etc
    Cassein Protein shake right before bed

    my cycle is:

    Test E 250mg every 3.5 days weeks 1-12
    Tren A 100 Mg every other day weeks 6-12
    Winny 50 mg every day weeks 6-12
    Clomid 900 mg every day week 13, 550 mg week 14, and 350 mg week 15.

    It necessary to use Winny? I have Aromasin and HCG on hand. What are the signs i should take either? I also have cephalexin on had just in case of injection infection.

    I am trying to get SUPER Cut and Jacked. I have put on decent size in the first 6 weeks and now am going to cut away the fat.

    Since i am going to be injecting every day should i rotate away from my ass? and should I continue Test E for another 2 weeks after week 12 or just end complete cycle after week 12?

    Please no bitching i am seriously asking for great advice. That is why we are all here.
    Your help is greatly appreciated!

    So, your post is a bit confusing. You're in your 6th week of your 4th cycle? And gained 12 lbs? If you're 185 now that means you started this cycle at 173lbs and 5'11"? You know that the test E is just kicking in. You've probably gained more water weight then anything else. I wouldn't start cutting, I would continue to work on gaining size. If you go into a calorie deficit now, you will lose any lean mass you've put on. You need to keep that increased mass for a bit so that your body gets used to the new size. If you started this cycle at 173 lbs and 5'11", you're on the small side.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Agreed keep gaining. 12 lbs is ok but I think you could prob get close to 20 before you start cut cals.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    Im also alittle confused, in this thread you say this is your fourth cycle??

    However only a few weeks ago you had only done 2 cycles??

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    In this thread you say your clueless about cycles even though you claim you have already run 2 cycles already...

    Oh and in this thread your more or less saying you've only done one cycle even though it was posted after the one above where you claimed to have done 2....

  14. #14
    Great point 007. This is my 4th cycle. I did one in college that was stupid and not well thought out. I left that out of my original post because i thought it was irrelevant. I did another cycle 1 year out of college that I was better prepared for but not great. I thought that because they were not legitimate cycles it was unnecessary to mention them. My last two were 5 years after the first 2 cycles and were very thought out and prepared for.

    I was blasted in my original posts for not having experience and i accepted that. For the sake of getting solid advice i thought it was necessary to include the first 2 cycles that were irrelavant.

    I have read numerous post and have always found the same result, noone really gives advice they just argue and contridict with each other. They blast all new posters for not having experience. How can you gain experience when no-one will help you

    Just curious?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by focus1234 View Post
    Great point 007. This is my 4th cycle. I did one in college that was stupid and not well thought out. I left that out of my original post because i thought it was irrelevant. I did another cycle 1 year out of college that I was better prepared for but not great. I thought that because they were not legitimate cycles it was unnecessary to mention them. My last two were 5 years after the first 2 cycles and were very thought out and prepared for.

    I was blasted in my original posts for not having experience and i accepted that. For the sake of getting solid advice i thought it was necessary to include the first 2 cycles that were irrelavant.

    I have read numerous post and have always found the same result, noone really gives advice they just argue and contridict with each other. They blast all new posters for not having experience. How can you gain experience when no-one will help you

    Just curious?
    Experienced members give out reliable advice as long as they have the necessary information to help the poster. Often posters don't like the advice given. Before you gain experience, you should gain knowledge. Here you're asking where you should take your cycle (mid way through) when you should have had that planned out ahead of time. That's putting the cart in front of the horse. You've already done 2 cycles that you admit were not well planned. I think we now need to say you've done 4 cycles that were not well planned.

    Time to learn bro.....

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