I've got some gyno that I've had for a few years. It has gotten worse after I used tren /sdrol without pct about 7 months ago. So I ordered some letro and some dostinex/cabaser to try to get rid of my gyno.

Week 1: Taper up to 2.5mg letro

Week 2: 2.5mg letro ed
.25mg cabaser 2x week

Week 3: 2.5mg letro ed
.50mg cabaser 2x week

Week 4: 2.5mg letro ed
.50mg cabaser 2x week

I will continue this until gyno symptoms clear up or until I run out of letro.

For PCT I will be using nolva at 20mg for week one and 10mg for week 2 all while taking the TRS stack from PP. Should I keep the cabaser in at 2x week since nolva raises progesterone?